Mods, can't you tell Snowboarder Bo to shut up?

There are different levels here.

Behavior A: “I’ve discovered this new in-joke that I think is hilarious. I’m going to start using it without explanation”
Diagnosis: Harmless. Could be funny, or not. Time will tell.

Behavior B: "No one has picked up and started using my funny in-joke. I’ll just keep on with it until it catches on.:
Diagnosis: Irritating and childish.

Behavior C: “Everyone hates my funny in-joke and is telling me repeatedly to shut up, but they can’t make me, so I’m going to keep on keeping on, even if it pisses off the other users, because it’s not against the rules, so there, nyah nyah nyah.”
Diagnosis: Grade A douchebaggery.

Hey, I’m one of the first people in the world to not take myself very seriously. But really, I do see the side of things where this could cause another stupid unnecessary rule if a whole bunch of people did it. Sure, some folks don’t mind right now if one person does it, but two is already too much? And if there were thirty… I’ll reiterate, just because you can, doesn’t mean you should. In my humble opinion.

I think a new meme should be, “I adopted pinky, he was a very loving cat”, as like, you know, a way for someone to admit it when they made a mistake. And we could all watch the youtube video of pinky and be reminded to be more careful next time.

I get that. But let me reiterate: The only way to kill this meme in its infancy is to not complain about it. Otherwise, people will poke you with it. It didn’t start funny, but its humor grows with each complaint by people who take it too seriously.

I know it is hard not to post, but you have to realize that every single post about this infant meme feeds it.

That’s just, like, your opinion, man.

I never though about Snowboarder Bo at all before. Now, I kind of like him, and, dare I say, even respect him for standing up to the tattlers and pantie-bundled people.

Stay weird, Snowboarder Bo. The world needs iconoclasts.

The box is open and it might already be too late…

Geez, people are wound tight about people being wound tight.

Point taken. Honestly, I don’t much care and as has been pointed out, at this stage, it’s easy enough to ignore. I just hope we don’t end up with anymore stinkin’ rules outta this. One can dream.

Just wanted to interject here with this: the use of the word “y’all” is not a freaking meme.
It is correct usage in the US Southern dialect.
That is all.

The world needs awesome iconoclasts. The dude who flips boogers at restaurant windows may not be public enemy #1, but he’s also not the kind of iconoclast I want to encourage.

Thanks for pointing that out!

Agreed, but I don’t think that’s what Bo is doing.

{bolding mine}

What does that even mean? Do catchphrases need to be sanctioned by committee now? If so I would like to put forward EAT BUGS AN DIRT for consideration.

And that very action also makes him a troll. Trolling is doing something with the intent of pissing people off. It doesn’t matter that you are doing it to get back at people–in fact, that usually makes it worse.

You’re making the case that this is trolling. You’re even using the word “feed.” We’re feeding into the humor of intentionally making people upset. The part in bold is the definition of a troll.
And because I can’t be bothered to find j666’s post, I’ll just respond in text: I sure as hell want a board where people who are being jerks (and trolls specifically) are not allowed to post. THAT’S WHY I JOINED A BOARD THAT’S NUMBER ONE RULE IS “DON’T BE A JERK.” If that’s not what you want, then why are you hear? There are tons of boards out there that don’t restrict what you post: they’re called unmoderated messageboards.

Lighten up, Big T.


If you can’t spell “and” correctly, you don’t get to submit culturally significant catchphrases.

eat bugs an dirt

3@T BUG5 n D1RT


I have to admit, I’m a bit lost on that one. Nearest translation I can think of is “Oh my God! love love”

If that is correct, I’m flattered scissorjack, but I’m not really into dudes.