Money makes bank tellers ill, Hazmat team called.

I love my job. I love my job. I love, <cough> <sneeze> <scratch> my job. :stuck_out_tongue:

Tough day at the bank. Especially getting the fire hose shower in the parking lot.

I wonder if this money came out of a meth lab? We’ve had some local houses ruined by dopers cooking meth. The chemicals are extremely toxic and nearly impossible to clean up.

Why didn’t the guy that brought the money get sick too? This is a strange case. He’s got a lot of explaining to do.

Well, he carried it wrapped in a paper towel, din’t he? Must have been Brawny.

Question: You think this was deliberate? Or an accident?

The guy made a deposit and that will easily identify him. If he’s a terrorist, then he’s a very dumb one.

Local TV news has a good video on the incident.

If he carried it in wrapped in a towel that implies he knew something was unhealthy about it; so I doubt it was an accident. It might well be an example of a total lack of consideration for others rather than an attack, however.

He is apparently unfamiliar with the concept of money laundering.

aceplace57, you profile shows you in Central Arkansas but you’re reading and watching news in Modesto, CA? Yikes, that bank is walking distance from where I live and I do my banking there sometimes.

And last Friday was getting kinda coolish weather here, to be taking showers out in a parking lot. <Shivver>

I found that local tv news article with Google. I originally read a national news article and searched for more info with google. I’ve found that the local tv news often gives better information.

I see that the bank has reopened and the employees are out of the hospital.

I’m glad the substance wasn’t more toxic. I’m sure it scared the heck out of those people.

Much of the time these incidents are classic mass hysteria scenarioswhere one person has some sort of reaction to a smell or substance (possibly quite legitimately) and a bunch of surrounding people not in direct contact with the substance have the same symptoms. It’s usually seen in predominately female groups.

It’s quite fascinating actually.

It’s a bank. In Modesto. And you’re wondering if it’s from a meth lab? I’d say the question is answered.

Oh, and:

:rolleyes: I don’t think it’s cool to accuse all of us of that stuff! :dubious:

Meth criminals cooking meth then. :wink:

Sometimes it isn’t discovered until after they leave. A new family moves in and starts getting sick. I’ve read it’s nearly impossible to clean up. They pretty much have to rip up the floors, subfloors and some of the drywall.

If those chemicals spilled onto a pile of money then I can easily see the bank clerks getting ill.

typical example