Monitor Question

I have a Dell S2409W monitor running under Windows 10 upgrade. When I used the monitor under Win 7, it had a pretty good control panel that could be used to rotate the screen, adjust resolution, color, etc. This control panel went away when I upgraded to Win 10, and I’d like it back-but I don’t know how to do this.
Anyone have any ideas? I’d appreciate the help.

It has nothing to do with the monitor itself.

It’s a graphics card feature of your PC.

Check out what graphics card your PC has and then download the utility from the manufacturer.

O.K, Berlarc reports my video is driven by: Intel® Q965/Q963 Express Chipset Family (Microsoft Corporation - WDDM 1.1) [Display adapter] (2x).
Is this the driver I need to update?

That would make sense if your video port is on the motherboard or otherwise integral - if you have no separate video card, that is. You sometimes see “name brand” video integrated into mobos - ATI and Nvidia - but in general Intel has the lock on integrated video. (And it’s rare to see Intel-chipped video cards.)

So yes, you’d be looking for an Intel driver for that chipset number that’s compatible with Win 10 and has the control panel features you used to have… if one still exists. It might have been integrated into a different part of the video control menus under the new version. Can you get to what you want with right-click on the desktop and any of the various Graphics and Display options that come up?

The driver that Intel supplies Windows, or supplied at the time the install package was packaged, might be a stripper compared to what you can download directly from Intel. I’d look there.

In other words, the Intel driver for Win 7 came with a suite of management software. The Intel driver for Win 10 is just the driver; no handy management software, other than the bare-bones Win 10 control panel crud.

If this was an upgrade install of Win 10, you probably got the Windows 10 driver-only installation that Windows itself does, using drivers provided to Microsoft by the video hardware vendor (Intel in this case), but with none of the management tools. The bells-and-whistles hardware management software usually has to be downloaded directly from the vendor website.

Yes, that. The MS-supplied drivers aren’t always bare-bones, and I seem to notice full-service updates from the regular update service, but I am not surprised that the current Win 10 distro might be stripped pretty lean.

I’d say go get the driver package directly from Intel, but it doesn’t appear that they’ve released a specific Win 10 update for that chipset. You might try installing their complete package for Win 7 and try it - the 64-bit version is here.

You may want to use the Win8.1 driver version, you may have more functionality from the software due to better compatible with with Win10.

Windows has controls for all those parameters. Right click on the desktop and select “Display Settings.” Or go to Start menu -> Settings -> System -> Display. Click on the “Advanced display settings” at the bottom for some of these adjustments.

I didn’t see anything later than 7, but my search was admittedly hasty. Depending on the age and market size of a chipset, not every maker updated to Win 8 stuff. If it’s there, yeah, it would probably be a better fit for Win 10.

I have never been completely clear on which of those settings belong to Windows and which are enabled/installed by the actual video driver used. I know I’ve run into situations where controls I thought were OS/universal were not on one otherwise equivalent system or another.