In the movie “Monty Python & The Holy Grail” the knights of Ni are crippled by the word “It”. However, the knights themselves say “it” multiple times in the preceding scenes. How can they do this?
The more you know, the less you feel
The more you know, the less you feel
Maybe they can dish it out, but they can’t take it, like a bullet.
Long answer: They don’t say “it” multiple times. According to the script, during Scene 19 John Cleese (the head knight) does say “it” twice.
And King Arthur says “it” once in Scene 13, the initial encounter with the Knights:
Short answer: Sod off. Its just a silly movie. Stupid git. Its people like you what cause unrest.
There is a notion in filmmaking called “suspension of disbelief” where actions take place on the screen which are not plausible but, for the sake of the drama, the audience doesn’t object. Like speaking English long ago in a galaxy far, far away (they should provide a babelfish). Or luring Godzilla out of hiding with a big pile of fish (that’s not normal behavior for huge radioactive lizards!).
“If you had manifested fatigue upon noticing that you had been an ass, that would have been logical, that would have been rational; whereas it seems to me that to manifest surprise was to be again an ass.”
Mark Twain
Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc
Hah! A lot you know. Huge radioactive lizards find large piles of fish their second favorite delicacy. It would be their normal behavior if they could find more people to provide them.
My first instinct was to agree with Boris B, namely that the knights of Ni are only harmed by the word “it” when it’s uttered by other people. However, at the end, I think they all start covering their ears even when they say the word themselves.
In the words of Ralph Waldo Emerson, “a foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds.” I think the comedy troup was more concerned with laughs than preventing continuity errors.
Re: Dr. F’s “short answer”:
Dear DrF,
shut your gob, you vacuous, toffee-nosed, malodorous pervert!
John_Locke came here for an argument.
Abuse is next door.
Jacques Kilchoer
Workers of the world, unite! You have nothing to lose but your chains.
A little mind speaks up again! Jacques – it’s spelled “troupe”.
But you are exactly right. IIRC, part of the fade-out dialogue from the scene goes:
Knight who until recently said “Ni”: some line with “it” in it.
Knight: “Oh no! Now I’ve said it!”
“If you had manifested fatigue upon noticing that you had been an ass, that would have been logical, that would have been rational; whereas it seems to me that to manifest surprise was to be again an ass.”
Mark Twain
Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc
I side with pluto–it’s like those people who simply must know what state Springfield (the Simpsons) is “in.” I explain, “It’s obviously not in any real or particular state.” The next thing they say is always, “Yeah, hahaha…but what state is it in?”
[Teeth grinding…]
The script may say it’s Cleese, but in the movie the head knight is Palin.
Lemon curry?
Oh, damn. I try to help with dialogue and I feel like I’ve encountered the Old Man from Scene 24.
Who played the Head Knight?
Cleese. No, wait, I mean Paliiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnn aaaarrrrrrrrrrggggggghhhh
Another leap would be to call that overgrown iguana Godzilla…
“It is impossible to defeat an ignorant man in an argument” - William McAdoo
DrF –
“If you had manifested fatigue upon noticing that you had been an ass, that would have been logical, that would have been rational; whereas it seems to me that to manifest surprise was to be again an ass.”
Mark Twain
Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc
maybe I was dictating
Did’jah notice that the parrot was stuffed too?
They should have taken a real dead parrot and nailed 'im to the perch.
Now was that a regular parrot or an African parrot?
Norwegian Blue. Lovely plumage.
Lemon Curry!
Stephen’s Website
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You’re a looney.
Pluto: Could you remind me what a babelfish is?
“I had a feeling that in Hell there would be mushrooms.” -The Secret of Monkey Island