More feminine mysteries.

Why do so many women, and teenage girls, wear coats and sweaters with such long sleeves that just the tips of their fingers stick out?
It’s been this way at least since I was a young boy, and I’m no spring chicken (I’m 61).
Could it be related to the fact that many women prefer that you not comment on their huge feet?
Clarification; I don’t think of a 25 year old woman as a “girl”, but we’ve already covered that a while back.
i like big butts and I cannot lie

  1. it’s warmer
  2. It’s strangely comforting to have fabric covering my hands
  3. When I reach for something, my sleeve doesn’t slip halfway up my arm
  4. I can pull my hands totally inside my shirt/sweater and have warm hands
    and I don’t know how that could possibly be related to women not liking it when you comment on their big feet. I’d guess that’s more related to women not liking it when you comment on their big ass or big nose. although, I have small feet so I couldn’t tell for sure.

Because designers make clothing for amazon-waif women with arms and legs the length of the Mississippi.

If I could find a pair of jeans/sweater/coat with the proper sizing, believe me, I’d buy it. I don’t have time to hem every pair of pants or sleeves I own, so I wind up with a lot of clothing like this.

Mostly because it’s cozy; secondarily because it makes us feel small and precious.

I thought maybe it (the sleeve thing) was a desire for petiteness. Is that a word? Maybe daintiness?
Jennifer Lopez has big feet (and a big butt, according to some), and she’s very sexy.
She has pretty big hands, too. (I mean “as well”) But I’m attracted to her mind.

My husband calls it “the waif look.”

Even when I was a ‘girl’ of 25, I bucked the trend. When I wear long sleeves, they get rolled or scrunched up to just below the elbow. I even do that with my jackets, unless it’s really cold out.

That too. 'Twould be nice to find clothing without such long arms and legs.

They’re more comfortable-big, roomy sweaters are nice and warm and cozy, and as my hands tend to get very cold very easily, it’s nice to have those extra long cuffs.

AFAIK, most women do not have big feet at the ends of their arms. Or even small ones.

I just have short arms. I’m only 5’4", and on the plump side, so clothes that fit around me are for someone 4 or more inches taller. So sleeves are too long, hems are too long…but as someone else said, too-long sleeves on a coat are nice because your don’t get chilly wrists when you are driving and the sleeves ride up.

I was over 30 before I had anything altered. Now I have sleeves shortened, including coats. My situation is the same as kittenblue’s. A coat off the rack with sleeves that hit me right at the wrist is not likely to close around my midsection.

They are hiding “Hand-Job” callus. The ones in the long sleeves are the ones you want to get to know. :wink: Trust me.

It must be my day for encountering filthy-minded fuckers on the internet. :smiley:

I love long sleeves and oversized, cozy, borrowed-from-boyfriend sorts of sweaters.

Well ok he’s my husband now, but I still steal his clothes.

Wow, hand job callus. Who knew a big misshapen hunk of pumice-like abrasive dermal malformation could be not only sexy but desireable to rub against one’s penis?

Er, I’m not turning you on, am I?

Those of us over 5’8" find a problem getting tops and coats with long enough sleeves, and pants that can find our ankles (thank Heaven the population has gotten taller, I wore floods until I discovered mens’ jeans in high school). The worst for me is coats! I have to buy them at least a size too large to get the sleeves anywhere near my wrists. I buy a lot of casual stuff at the local Harley Davidson dealer, as Harley-wear long-sleeves are always extra long (so you can reach your handlebars without making your sleeves ride up to the elbow).

Yes, yes we do. I get so tired of buying everything a size too big to cover my long arms and torso. I hate all the yanking and pulling I end up doing to try to keep myself covered. If only I could find a sweater that would reach almost to the tips of my fingers.

No kidding. I am absurdly long-limbed. I’m only 5’8"ish, but I need 35" inseam jeans if I want to be able to sit and not give everyone a good look at my calves. Unfortunately, it’s tough to find pants that are long enough, but it’s tougher to find shirts with sleeves long enough. Stores just don’t sell shirts with sleeves by the inch for women.

As such, I don’t have ANY shirts with sleeves that come over my hands. I have many, many shirts that are “3/4 length”, though. Be it on purpose or because “long sleeves” are ridiculous on me.

So just who in the heck do women’s clothes actually FIT, we’d like to know. I am 5-9 and recently laid in a supply of turtlenecks from Lands’ End because they offer Tall shirts. Finally, sleeves that reach to my wrist. I buy a lot of 3/4 length sleeve blouses because THEY seem to fall at the correct length. Maybe it’s my arm from shoulder to elbow that is long. Who knows.

The only stuff besides the aforementioned Tall shirts that actually reach to my wrists are shirts and sweaters that seem to be designed to create that long-sleeve waif look. Inspired, I believe, by the ill-fitting grunge look. Which most people seem to aspire to. :rolleyes:

I always thought it was where they stashed a knife or a small pistol. (It seemed prudent not to ask)