With apologies to PunditLisa and especially JBurton99, from whom I am blatantly stealing this idea …
What celebrities are so cool/hot/smokin’ that you would sleep with even though they aren’t of the gender you normally are attracted to? (Note how PC and inclusive I am – I was originally going to call this thread "Who would you ‘go gay’ for? Unfortunately, I can’t think of a way to extend this thread to include bisexuals. No discrimination intended )
My list:
William Hurt (so deep, man)
Sean Connory (no explanation necessary)
James Woods (if he wanted me, I’d be afraid to say no)
Michael Jordan (I think he would be surprisingly sensitive)
No apologies necessary. I stole the idea myself, you know…
My List:
Juliette Binoche, Julia Ormond, and the former “Profiler” chick. Ally something.
Beauty, intelligence, a little dash of mystery – All I want in a woman. And for the record, my husband said that I could expand this laminated list at any time as long as he could watch…
Matt, you have good taste in women. Good thing you’re gay, don’t think I could handle the competition!
Nicole DeBoer is an utter babe.
Anyway, my ‘switch hitting’ laminated list:
Alexander Siddig (Julian Bashir, Star Trek: Deep Space 9);
Anthony Stewart Head (Rupert Giles, Buffy the Vampire Slayer)(OOOOOH, that accent!!!);
Benjamin Bratt (Ray Curtis, Law & Order);
Scot Cohen (Wolf, The 10th Kingdom).
Dunno what they have in common, except they’re hot…
This should have been myhetero list, by golly! What was it about the Wolf? He’s not even cute, but there was just something about him . . . You know he’s in that one VW commercial . . . I never noticed it until after the 10th Kingdom came out (waiting eagerly for the sequel).
And now for my list:
Sigourney Weaver (statuesque, glamorous, elegant, looks great in sweat and a bandolier of grenades, kicks alien ass . . .)
Lisa Simpson (do I really need to explain this? No? Good, because I can’t)
Sandra Bullock (Fun, fun, fun, cute, all-natural, great hair, and looks the best in jeans)
Drew Barrymore (great sense of humor about herself, sweet, free spirit, digs being a woman)
Keanu Reeves. No, wait, that can’t be right . . . looks confused
But really . . .
I have many, many runners-up for Number Five, including: Janeane Garofalo, Dina Meyer, Angelina Jolie, Courtney Love, Lucy Lawless, Ani DiFranco, Sharon Stone, Joey Lauren Adams, Joan Osbourne, Lili Taylor, Shirley Manson, Terry Farrell, Alice Hoffman, Ashley Judd, Gabrielle Reece . . . but I digress. There is no clear choice, so for now, slot number five shall remain open. There’s probably someone obvious that I can’t summon to mind right now . . . aw, well, it’ll probably occur to me right as the list disappears into the laminator.
Tengu: I wouldn’t be that effective competition… I’m kind of shy and dry and verging on ugly, as the Pet Shop Boys put it. BTW: Alexander Siddig is on my normal list, too.
I can’t think of anyone famous. Of course this is coming from the child who has been trying to change her sexual orientaion to bi for years. I like girls, I think they are pretty and graceful and lovely. Any activity with them is just so neutral though! Drat, and I’m straight another day.
I would like to be bi for several of my friends, though. Clebs I’m pretty neutral on. They are cute but just not real!
Warning! Insensitivity has been detected in this thread!
Slythe wrote:
As Slythe should have been sensitive enough to realize, castratos still have a sexual orientation, they just may or may not have the urge/ability to act upon it.
All future readers/posters of this thread are hereby warned of the existence of insensitivity on this thread, and that, if they read Slythe’s insensitive post, the OP of this thread cannot bear any responsibility for any blindness/emotional distress/Republicanism that may result.