Find out who the ad writer(s) and ad agency involved are.
Denounce the writer(s) by name at every opportunity. Refuse to associate with them, buy from or sell to them, or have sex with them (you may have already decided on the last…).
If anybody else uses the same ad agency, write them a letter saying, “I’ve have bought your product, but you paid money to that band of clueless monkeys who did the ‘Sackie’ ad.”
If anybody speaks well of the writer(s), the agency, or the use of language in the ad, look pityingly at them and say, “I’d have thought that you had more taste and intelligence than to actually believe that they’re worth having on the same planet as you.”
They’ll all get the picture really fast.
“I don’t just want you to feel envy. I want you to suffer, I want you to bleed, I want you to die a little bit each day. And I want you to thank me for it.” – What “Let’s just be friends” really means
This could go horribly wrong. You may just be too subtle for me today.
Let’s assume not.
I could care less * I have always hated this construction. I could not care less, I could not care
Its a mute point Perhaps it’s a moot point
*irregardless * This one must be a joke.
OK. I have convinced myself that you are just kidding here, and that you fully intended to appear stupid (and that you, yourself are not stupid). No one else has commented yet. Does that mean that people are prepared to accept such poor communication, or that they have not noticed that it was poor communication?
Russell, did you consider that maybe the rest of the people simply got the joke? In a thread about the decline of the English language, Little Nemo posted a collection of some of the most common misuses. You missed the use of impact as a verb, as well. And the “word” y’all. Most of us grate our teeth and cringe at hearing those sorts of things when they are not being used sarcastically.
Me, I was pissed at the commercial ‘cause they seem to have given “George” a New York accent. He was from Virginia for cryin’ out loud! (When will folks ever get that straight and give poor George his native southern accent?) The Father of our Country was a Cracker, dammit!