More Random Thoughts

A tarp, a shovel and dick tape?

Dick tape alone will get you odd looks.


Well, you see, if you drill out the center of the plunger handle you can use it like a pump to get the beer from the can up to your mouth…

True…but he asked for three items.

Especially if you buy the blue stuff that they SAY won’t pull off a layer before you put on a topcoat… a good clerk would warn you.

I never thought of that.

The real answer involved Mexican take-out on Saturday night and – well taste forbids going any further.

On pondering trunks and limbs.
Tress have them. So do elephants. Steamship travelers do as well. Trees can have many limbs, elephants and steamship travelers have, in general, 4 limbs. Of the bunch, though, only elephants have fore limbs. Steamship travelers, indeed most humans, have a limbic system which, oddly enough, has nothing to do with limbs. It’s in the brain. Most humans have a brain. Computers are said to have a brain. Zombies eat brains. How does a zombie eat a computer brain? One byte at a time. Time is money. Money is the root of all evil. Mathematically speaking, that makes time = root of all evil. Ergo, running out of time is a good thing. And I’m out of time.

Bleach, drain cleaner and one of those big square 6 volt batteries.


My favorite Dogfort cartoon:
