most and least interesting secondary Seinfeld character

Yeah, that makes sense.

Of the recurring secondary characters of Seinfeld, who was the most interesting and the least interesting? Only one pick for each but since this is the OP, I am going to list two.

For most interesting, I submit Susan, George’s fiancee who was portrayed by an excellent actress and Mr. Peterman who embodied eccentricity better than all of the other many sub-characters who had the same task.

For least interesting, I would go with Putty, Elaine’s boyfriend who I though just never really worked and Kruger, George’s last boss who also simply never had anything interesting to do or say.

Now this has to be a recurring character. I know plenty of us would go for the soup Nazi who -granted- did appear in “two” episodes but we’re not going to count the final episode for our purposes here.

So, there is Mickey, Baboo (sp?), Poppy, “Steinbrenner” and plenty others but I still go with my choices as the best and worst.

There’s too many “Most Interesting” to limit it to one: Putty (his delivery was hilarious), George’s parents, and Newman are foremost, though. And worst would probably be…I guess Kenny Banya. He just never had many funny lines. If that were the only criterion, then Elaine would win. She’s supposed to be a main character, but it always seemed to me like she got the shaft with the script. Her lines just weren’t usually funny.

Well Elaine often functions as a straightwoman. Puddy (it’s spelled with D’s) was unremarkable, in my opinion. I’d say both most and least interesting might be awarded to Kramer’s never, or rarely seen friends. Bob Sakamano, Joe Mayo, etc. Of course, since you never see them, they are least intersting, but Kramer’s constant stories about them make them pretty intriguing. I noticed the name Joe Mayo in the credits once, and realized they probably take the names of Kramer’s friends from the names of the crew. I remember one notable exchange. Jerry: “How come I never see any of these friends of yours?” Kramer: “They want to know why they never see you.”

I won’t know the character names, but one was played by Teri Hatcher, whom they all suspected of having a boob job.
Her exit line was something like “They’re real! And they’re FABULOUS!”

The worst was the woman with Big Hands. That show was hard to watch, even though it was obviously just a man’s hands.

My favorite is Kramer- I just love his wacky mannerisms, opinions, and ideas.

My Least favorite is probably Puddy- He just does not affect me one way or another too much. He’s like a unsalted saltine in a smorgasboard of delicacies.
My second favorite is Neuman- You hate him, but you can’t look away, he’s like a multicar accident on the road during rushour. You hate the accident because it screws everything up, but when you get next to it, you -have to- look.

I always thought that Jerry Seinfeld himself was the least interesting character on the show. It always seemed like he was the straight man for his three co-stars, and the myriad secondary characters.

As far as favorite/least fav secondary characters, I would say J. Peterman was the funniest secondary character. I never really liked Uncle Leo that much. He was just annoying.

I must make a special mention for the Bubble Boy as the most memorably weird one-off character. That was the first episode of the series I saw. I hadn’t even heard of the show and was just flipping around the stations one Wednesday night and saw it. I remember thinking “What the hell IS this?” But it certainly sold me on the show after that.