Oh, this is easy. My vote is “The Swan” from the ever-tasteful FOX network.
Okay. The idea is every week, an “ugly” woman gets a complete makeover, INCLUDING plastic surgery, liposuction, etc. She even gets therapists who try to help her understand why she has low self-esteem. (Oh gee, I don’t know. Maybe from shows like this?)
Anyway, all throughout the makeover phase, they never let the woman see a mirror, so that at the end, they can do a big “reveal” and we can watch her reaction as she sees in a mirror how astonishingly beautiful she is. Naturally, she immediately starts blubbering happily about how she’s got a whole new life.
Oh yes, at the season finale, they’ll have a beauty contest where they bring back everyone, and choose THE ULTIMATE SWAN.
If I remember, the show never got to the final beauty contest. I think I can guess why.
1 The title of the show obviously refers to the story of “The Ugly Duckling”.
2 The “ugly” women were never really ugly. They were ugly according to Hollywood. In other words, they looked just fine. Better than average. So, when just average looking women like the rest of us watched, we realized if the people making this show were presenting these women as “ugly”, what in the hell were they implying that the rest of us were?
3 The concept that women’s attractiveness is the sole purpose, nay the very pith and marrow of female existence was put forward on this show to such an extent that it retroactively erased the entire feminist movement back to the point where Abigail Adams wrote her husband John to “remember the ladies” in the new American government.
4 Every single one of the “ugly” women wound up looking like Barbie. Every…single…one.
Having the beauty contest would’ve been fucking pointless. It would’ve been just as well to toss the trophy up in the air and have them all run in high heels to catch it to decide the winner.
Sick, sick, deeply sick show.