Moved moved moved moved moved... MPSIMS: What happened there?

Are the new threads? They all have dates from like 4 years ago.

Odd, isn’t it? They seem to have done a software update at that time, but this can’t explain why lots and lots of bogus “moved” threads from 2005 get listed right next to those from 2008. I’m sure there were non-moved threads in MPSIMS before 2008.

And, they all show as being moved to the pit. I’m thinking a bunch of threads got moved to the pit (maybe by accident) and the move brought them back up to the top of the forum.

To the pit? Where do you see that? I find moved threads from all kinds of forums in the list.

I also notice this only happens when the forum is sorted by “Thread Start Time”. About 28 pages worth of “moved” threads between 09-02-2008 and 08-29-2008…

Ya know, I just realized something. The link in your original post is for page 1978 of MPSIMS. I think maybe you just caught a point in time where a mod had gone through and moved a whole bunch of posts at once.

1400 threads? Very unlikely.

I don’t see 1400 threads (but I really didn’t look). On the page you linked to, there’s 29 moved threads.

ETA, never mind, I didn’t look before or after the page you linked to.
I got nuthin.

Yeah they’re going all from page 1978 to 1950. (at 50 per page = about 1400) In descending sort mode it’s the same, by the way, starting at page 100. I used ascending order for the link so that the pagenumbers won’t change over time.

A while back Jerry had removed some threads from the database for technical reasons. These posts were put back in when the software was upgraded. This is how some of them have sorted out.

There may also be some threads that we had originally vanished into the cornfield – we used to “hide” them from sight generally in the system and didn’t attempt to archive them or anything like that. When we upgraded the software those threads popped back into visibility.

That is when Jerry was upgrading the software.

Ah, thank you, that makes sense. (Not really, actually, but at least it explains the weirdness. :D) No serious malfunction then. It wouldn’t be worth the effort to remove the “Moved:” zombie remnants manually, I assume.

Okay, got time for the next question? Your database times and/or server timezone settings are/were/will be borked. - About This Message Board - Straight Dope Message Board