Movie Quotes You Use

Congrats, Moonshine! You have won my undying admiration (that and $1.50 will buy a cup of coffee).

“Privates” is one of my favorite obscure movies. Every old British Army joke, a few songs, and lots of profanity. All in all, a good night out. And how about that John Cleese singing bit over the final credits?!?

I also quote Professor Lizardo (Buckaroo Banzai):

“Laugh while you can, monkey-boy!”

and Oddball (Kelly’s Heroes):

“Always with the negative waves, Moriarity.”

“A friend will help you move house. A best friend will help you move a body.”–Alexi Sayle

Ok, fine… I can’t help it. I hafta join in on the Blackadder quotes!

The “toasting fork” quote was my sig for awhile on the AOL board. :slight_smile:

M: Grey, I suspect Majesty.
Q: I think you’ll find it was orange Lord Melchett.
M: Grey is more usual mam.
Q: Who’s queen ?
M: As you say Majesty, there were these magnificent orange elephants which were coming…
– Black Adder II “Head”

“Who knows, or dares to dream!” – Percey in Black Adder II “Money”

“Disease and depravation stalk our land like… two giant… stalking things.” – Black Adder III “Sense and Senility”

Obscure quotes? That’s an idea too.

Who can guess this one?

“I suggest we kill it quickly before it tries to make friends with us!”

Not a movie quote, but while in university back in the '80s, I used to play “Risk”, and if anyone was too slow or indecisive about moving troops, one of us would quote Bugs Bunny:

“Pssst, Nappy! Put the artillery over here!”

Not really a movie, but sorta –

My favorite line from “Mystery Science Theater 3000” is when this barbarian guy dramatically draws his sword and holds it up and the light is reflecting off it and the “commentator” goes – “It’s a letter opener; I made it in shop class.” This is what I habitually say to anyone who asks “what’s that?” No one ever gets the reference, and without the reference it’s pretty much a non-sequitir.

Ooh, and I love the line in “Fools Rush In” where Matthew Perry’s character is carrying a big stuffed swordfish through his office and some guy asks, “what’s that?” “It’s a keychain.”

When I explain something to someone, and they still don’t understand:
“and get some 30 weight ball bearings; hell, it’s all ball bearings these days” -Fletch

actually, there are many from Fletch I and II
Did she feel ok last night?
Well, she felt pretty good to me

and my favorite “What’s your job, Fletch?”
“I’m a shepherd”

plus about anything Yoda ever said

“You call him Dr. Jones.” --Temple of Doom
When someone gets someone else’s name wrong.

“My name is Muerte!” --Undercover Blues
When someone gets your name wrong.

“Two dollars!” --Better Off Dead (not the whole sentence, just the freaky way the kid says “Two dollars.”)
When speaking of money owed.

“It’s great to be young and insane.” --The Dream Team
Whenever appropriate

“I love it when a plan comes together.” Tyhe A Team (TV)
Whenever appropriate

“Laugh it up, fuzzball.”
“Great, Chewy, great. Always thinking with your stomach.”
“Will someone get this walking carpet out of my way.”
“Let the wookie win.”
And various other Chewbacca-related quotes.

“Group hug, group hug. Mind if I kiss the monkey? Ach, hairball.” --Aladdin

“You know who that was? Clint Eastwood.” --Crocodile Dundee II

“We’re gonna have lawyers here. It’ll be a fun time.”

“A flute with no holes is not a flute…a donut without a hole is a danish…”


always good when teaching computer skills…especially if you add the Kung Fu sounds…

shiner bock

“When 900 years old you reach, look as good you will not, hmmm?” – Yoda

I don’t remember what movie this is from, but I have used this on occasion whenever I’m in the mood to insult somebody (usually for something they did or said that was just completely stupid)

“Did your parents have any children that lived?”

There are others, but they’ve already been mentioned above (namely, the “Where’s my two dollars?” and “It’s just a flesh wound”)


“Did your parents have any children that lived?”

Great, Shadow, I can picture that scene in my head and cannot see the characters…it’s gonna bother me until someone puts us out of our misery.

" Just when I think I’m out, they keep pulling me back in. " Godfather 3.

Virtually any quote from the Godfather…
“It’s not personal, it’s business.”
“I made him an offer he couldn’t refuse.”

From the Untouchables: For every one of ours they take out, we take out two of theirs. (used when discussing some kind of stragety when playing sports.)

UDD suggests:

Every White House intern since Lewinsky?

The overwhelming majority of people have more than the average (mean) number of legs. – E. Grebenik

The Wizard of OZ contains a plethora of useable quotes:

“Lions and tigers and bears, oh, my!” Said when walking near anything resembling a wooded area

“Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!” Various uses

“I’ll get you, girlie, and your little dog, too!” When plotting revenge

“I don’t think we’re in Kansas anymore, Toto” When the situation changes

“Ding, dong the witch is dead!” Anytime

“There’s no place like home, there’s no place like home” During a bad day at work

And manny, manny more!

The overwhelming majority of people have more than the average (mean) number of legs. – E. Grebenik

When anyone asks “What do you want” (or MST-ing Babylon 5):

(Ren voice) “I want a meeelion dollars and(heh…heh…) huuuge pectoral muscles.”

From “Ren and Stimpy” (which has some good lines, but strangely enough, isn’t as funny as it was when I was 15. )

If we’re including quotes from t.v shows…

Star Trek: “I’m a doctor, not a janitor” (or a plumber or a pool guy or whatever, depends on the situation).


“I’m not even supposed to BE here today!!” from Clerks. I say this whenever I am at my wit’s end over something, whether I was supposed to be “here” or not.

Almost any line from The Breakfast Club, in various situations.

“Sewer rat may taste like pumpkin pie, but I’ll never know cause I won’t eat the filthy mother fucker.” From Pulp Fiction, when I don’t want to try a new food. There are lots of good lines from Pulp Fiction.

What a cool thread!

Shirley & Shadow, “Did your mother ever have any kids that lived?” is from “Stand By Me.”

Some of my favorites:

“Go that way, really fast. If something gets in your way, turn!” --Better Off Dead
(used when giving directions)

“Where…is…my…automobile?” --Sixteen Candles (when trying to remember where I parked–if my sister’s with me, she’ll do the next line: “Au-to-mo-bile?”)

“Run away! Run away!” --Monty Python and the Holy Grail (used in any situation that turns unpleasant)

My sister’s fiance is an excellent movie-quoter. When I helped them move into a new apartment last summer, their cat was totally freaked out and managed to wedge herself behind the entertainment center. Scott’s response upon seeing this was, “Mav, we got a problem here. That MiG really messed him up.”

“I don’t think we’re in Kansas anymore, Toto” When the situation changes

I thought it was “Gosh, Toto, I have a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore!”

This always cracks me up, because back in college, I had a friend from Toto, Indiana. It’s a real place. She had a dog named Kansas. I thought that was really, really clever, until one day I told her so, and she looked at me blankly.

So I said, “You take her on out-of-town trips, right? And then say ‘Gosh, Kansas, I have a feeling we’re not in Toto anymore.’”

She continued to look at me blankly.

And I had a feeling I wasn’t in Kansas anymore.

Shopping is still cheaper than therapy. --my Aunt Franny

"I’m not going to hurt you, Wendy. I’m just going to bash your fucking brains out. --Jack Nicholson, The Shining

Also, from same flick - “How’dyuh like it?” (After she sees he has been typing “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy” for six weeks).

The most famous film quote of all time, drum roll, is: “Bond, James Bond”