Movies With a Good Twist *Please, no spoilers*

The very last shot of Robot Monster was a HUGE twist. And I’m not talking about the death struggle between the two giant lizards, either.

Although not popular (It was a bomb at the box office) The Adventures of the Baron Münchhausen (1988) got lots of good reviews and it has more than one twist at the end.

Ocean’s 11 - the remake, a caper movie, so pretty much twists after twists.

And like Baron Greenback with The Sixth Sense, I knew there was a twist and figured it out right away.

Dead Again (1991) caught me completely by surprise.

Witness For The Prosecution

Very good choice. I’ll second that one. I think we had a thread about it recently. Underrated movie–I don’t hear it mentioned a lot–but great.

I’ll throw on Dressed to Kill.

I came in here to mention that one. You have no idea what’s really going on until the very end.

With the Sixth Sense I knew there was a twist but got so wrapped up in the movie I forgot to look for it. If I didn’t see it in the theater I probably would not have been that into it.
For a good twist movie I’ll say Brasil.

The original “Planet of the Apes” movie ended with a classic twist. The original novel ended with a twist, too, but an entirely different twist!

The Korean film A Tale of Two sisters has 2 twists, the first one, to my mind, doing a good job of throwing you off the second. (And then there’s a possible third that puts a question mark on everything, depending how you interpret it.)

Charade was great. But don’t forget that Body Heat was essentially a remake of Double Indemnity.

The Last Temptation of Christ had a twist, too.

I quite liked Identity with John Cusack.

All true, despite the fact that they GIVE IT AWAY in the very first scene! Somehow, the filmmakers figured out how to make just about every viewer completely forget that scene just as soon as it’s over. Brilliant and audacious.

And you’ve been repeatedly, soundly, soundly refuted on this point.

Concerning The Others, my wife figured it out from the trailer.

I did that with The Village. I was intensely shocked when people were talking about the twist and it was what I had thought was an obvious part of the premise and probably revealed before the title had even shown up.

I got it about 1/3 of the way in. Not very tricky at all.

This one I got from the first scene when they showed the date on the gravestone. My first thought was: Oh, no you don’t. It’s modern day.

I just watched Dead Again after seeing it mentioned here. Good movie! But isn’t it a comedy? I don’t see any websites calling it a comedy/*, but it seems clear throughout that I’m supposed to be laughing at it. It seems to be intentionally campy in several places.


OP you better hope Dr Deth doesn’t stumble upon your thread. There could be trouble.:wink: