MPAA Warnings

Inspired by this thread :

I figured we might as well start writing our own warning boxes for movies.

JFK : Rated R for language, gratuitous tin-foil haberdashery and Joe Pesci’s bad rug.

(Disclaimer : I did check with TUBADIVA before starting this thread.)

(Disclaimer : That doesn’t mean you can blame her, though.)

Alien vs. Predator: Rated PG-13 because ET-on-ET violence is OK. Had it been human on human, or ET on human, it woulda been an R. But as long as it bleeds green, it’s OK to kill it.

Alien Resurrection: Rated R for horrendous writing. Oh yeah, there’s some swearing too.

Lost in Translation: Rated R for excessive boredom and inanity which should not be subjected to those under the age of 17. Those older than 17 should have better sources of boredom than spending money to be subjected to it.

This Thread: Rated JB-13 for something Joe Bob Briggs was doing at least 13 years ago.

I still like the idea though. :slight_smile:

EPFCA (“ep-fucka”): Excessive and Patently Fake Computer Animation.


Snow Falling on Cedars – Caution. May cause drowsiness. Do not operater heavy machinery for two hours after leaving the theater.

Repo Man rated R for violence, language and occasional spontaneous human combustion.

Tapioca Dextrin rated F on coding ability :smack:

South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut.

Rated R: Animal urination. Uncle fucking. Rectal warts. Donkey raping. Shit eating. Pig fucking. Rhythmic farting. Musical cussing. Penguin shit. Rim jobbing. Ass spelunking. Fart lighting. Child burning. Heart exploding. Heavenly breasts. Depictions of hell. Saddam-on-Satan homosexual action. Dildo shaking. Dictator dancing. Canada bashing. Brian Boitano. Military racism. War gore. Microsoft mocking. Baldwin bombing. Mole mauling. Giant clitoris. Comedian execution. Extremely gay musical number. Big Gay Al’s little gay penis. Hell on Earth. Barbra Streisand.