I have several men in my life who are wonderful, fantastic, loving, sexy, funny and great.
I am married to one of them, very close friends with others.
And putting aside all the petty, usual girl shit that i’m supposed to complain about (Toilet seat, football, strip clubs, communication)…there is one thing that I’ve noticed in a lot of men that I DON’T notice in a lot of women*.
And that is: Mr. Fixit Syndrome.
Me: Man, I have a headache.
Husband: Did you take an advil? Drink some water? I bet you’re dehydrated. Go get some water.
Men in my life, and men around the world, just a hint:
Sometimes I don’t need you to fix it, OK? Sometimes I don’t need your input on how to make the situation I am SOBBING about better. Sometimes I don’t need to know how I can lose ten pounds. Sometimes I JUST WANT TO BITCH about my headache or weight gain or work or about a television show or a friend or a news item. Sometimes all you need to say is “Yeah, that sucks” and go get a beer with me.
Here is an example:
**Me: **God! So and so drives me nuts, she does this thing with her emails where she attaches little animated .gifs to every single mail and it clogs my mail box and it’s just so stupid…they serve no purpose and most of the time, they’re not even cute.
A Man: Well, why don’t you email her and tell her to stop, or put a block on her address?
B Man: Yeah, that IS stupid. I had a guy once who put a smilie after every sentence.
B Man gets my lovin’, A Man gets me saying “YES, I KNOW THAT”.
It’s called a sympathetic ear. We are women, not children. I don’t need you to fix everything. I know how to fix annoying email, I know how to get rid of a headache, I know how to lose weight. I just wanted to tell you what was happening. I just wanted to commiserate, I just wanted acknowledgement that what I thought was mean/rude/wacky/wrong was indeed wrong.
When I need you to fix something, I will ask…“Can you help me out with something” or “Can I have your advice?”
Otherwise…please…just lend me your ear.
Thank you.
[sub]*note I didn’t say ALL. I am talking about a specific group with a specific behavior which puts them IN said group[/sub]