Mr. Rogers is dead

I grew up watching this show. My brother and I would fight because he wanted to watch Rifleman and I wanted to watch Mr. Rogers. Mr. Rogers so kind and sweet and I learned a lot. I remember the trips he made to the crayon factory and the post office. I enjoyed the Land of Make Believe and to this day, I can still sing the opening and closing songs to the show.

Gosh, this is so sad. I’m actually sitting here crying about a man I never met. He seemed like such a kind and sweet man. I haven’t cried about a celebrity’s death since Jimmy Stewart died in1997. Goodbye and Godspeed, Mr. Rogers.

I don’t see this as a tragedy, so much as a victory. He maintained his sincerity and positive outlook to the very end. He could have become cynical or greedy like the characters in Death to Smoochy, but instead, he stayed on message with his show - and his life - for over thirty years, and that’s admirable. We can all aspire to that. Thanks, Mr. Rogers. :slight_smile:

Meow is sniff meow meow… :frowning:

sigh :frowning:
That’s all i have to say.

He had this incredible ability to listen, even across the tiny screen of the television.

It wasn’t that he was always nice, it’s that he was able to deal with his emotions in an open and frank and civilized way…

It wasn’t simple. But it was pure.

Aw, durn.


:frowning: he will be sorely missed. I always enjoyed how he had to change into his sweater and different shoes as soon as he walked into the door.

I’m sitting here crying. Mister Rogers had a positive influence on so many children. He was. . .oh, you all know what I mean.

Godspeed, Mister Rogers. You will be missed.

My dad used to sing “It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood” to me and my brother as we left for school in the mornings. I always expected him to change his sweater and shoes as he was doing it.

Farewell, Mr. Rogers. You take part of my childhood with you - you take the best part.


I’m crying, too.

Goodbye, Mister Rogers, and thank you so much. You helped shape my love for music, what a great piano player you were! Mr. Spooky loved you, too. His Polish grandmother would say, “Mihau, the nice man is on. The nice man,” in a thick accent.

Godspeed, Mister Rogers!

I actually got to meet him a few times, and one of my friends worked with him at Family Communications. He was, indeed, just as sweet and kind as he was on the show.

Thanks for being our neighbor, Mr. Rogers. Rest in peace.

As many probably know, Fred was an ordained Presbyterian minister.

What a great ministry to kids he had. I’ll miss him.

Well the man lead a very full and important life. He has positively touched the lives of so many children. So you know what? Personally I feel

beautiful day in the neighborhood
a beautiful day to be neighbors.
would you be mine?

What he said :frowning:

And oh, the crayon factory! And the Big Wheel (or something similar) assembly line! I know I watched Mr. Rogers when I was little, but my strongest memories are of watching the show in my early 20s with my Grandpa. It was a great way to unwind after getting home from class (I commuted to college) and Grandpa loved the “how stuff gets made” segments. He’d put down his news paper and watch those parts, genuinely delighted-- “Hey, gal, I didn’t know that’s how they did that!”

Miss you, Mr. Rogers.

You know, The biggest thing I get out of his death:

No one has anything bad to say about him.

Mr. Rogers, you even had things to teach us big people.

Yo will be missed greatly.

36 y.o. here. Former Mr. Rogers addict.

What an amazing life. Just imagine, he touched sooooo many lives in a positive manner. There just are so few people, living or dead, that can have that said about them.

Damn, a very sad day. On the radio this morning, an “alternative rock” station, the DJs were reminiscing about watching his show, and they pulled up a clip of Mr. Rogers saying something like, “Many people in your life loved you to make you into the special person that you are.” In turn, Mr. Rogers was so deeply loved, and he was indeed special.

I forgot to mention how much it meant to me when I found out that he was a vegetarian. I felt so much positive support with my own dietary choices.

Thanks again, Mister Rogers.

:frowning: Goodbye neighbor :frowning:

:frowning: Mr. Rogers was a big part of my childhood memories. I’ll miss him.