Mrs. L.A. is sick

Is she channeling John Astin?

Good news.

She says she continues to feel better. But she’s a bit light-headed. I asked her if she had a stroke. She said she actually did self-assess her face today to see if she had. (She didn’t.)

The oatmeal stayed down, and the had a bologna sandwich a couple of hours ago that is staying put. Haven’t noticed her taking frequent trips to the toilet.

Space herpes.

Glad she’s feeling better and will resist the temptation to request several doses of any germs that keep a wife quiet for more than 24 hours. :wink:

Best wishes for a speedy recovery? As for the voice (and yes I know… placebo…) but hot tea with lemon & honey.

Also, rub her back. (It can’t hurt & she’s felling really under the weather)

Here’s hoping she feels better everyday. Also hope you don’t get it too.

Hehe! I forgot about that movie.

How could you forget that movie? :smiley:

The Missus is definitely feeling better, but she still doesn’t have her voice. She’s drinking tea with honey and lemon now, and I made her some tollhouse cookies. I lost my voice several years ago. Seems it took a week to fully get it back. She needs her voice for her job. Any tips?

Get her a speak and spell?

Ok, I don’t (ever) have any real answers, but I hope she gets well. I’m off to download Ice Pirates.

Our family standard for sore throats or weak voices has always been a teaspoon of dark honey; we always called it “Cuban honey” but that name may be from an old (1960s or earlier) brand. The stuff I have currently came from a larger grocery store and is almost black in color.

For OTC relief my fallbacks were always “Fisherman’s Friend” or “Thannis” <sic?>

The modern version of the latter seems to be Cepacol
Fisherman’s Friend is still current