MS File Explorer: Way to resize the font display?

I’ve got a new monitor at work, and the font for File Explorer is very small. I have to squint.

Is there a way to embiggen it?

Generally it should be a change for all system tools.

One Option, click Start and type Text size and click Make Text Size bigger.
Adjust the slider on this screen.

Another Option: Click Start then type Display and choose Display settings.
About half way down the page is Scale, that is one place to make changes.

I’m assuming Windows 11, you didn’t say. Win 10 is similar, Win 7 might not be.

Unless they’ve changed things
Right click
should give you three font size choices

Or even more esoteric!
If you’ve accidentally made the text too small, you can hold down the control key, then run your mouse wheel up, and it increases the size of the font.

Those all work, but affects everything. That is probably what you want.

But, for completeness sake, you can adjust the icon text using a tool called Winaero Tweaker, which adjusts some hidden settings that are still within Windows.

Just realised that I never thanked you for this. It worked!

Cool, glad to help.

My tired old eyes also thank you.