That’s right. Sharpton has been given a new show to air at 8:00 AM on Sunday mornings .
The race whore is gone from prime time.
I see a problem though. How many of the ‘base’ will be awake at that time on Sunday mornings? Some of his 40 regular viewers may be sentient enough to know how to operate their stolen DVD player and record his show.
The race whore tweeted that he was very excited to be up there with the big boys doing Sunday morning news shows.
“Welcome to my new show. This ,morning I am honored to have Cornel West, Joanne Reid, Alex Wagner and Michael Eric Dyson as my full time panel. We will spend each show discussing how the cops are out of control racists”.MSNBC Moves Al Sharpton’s ‘PoliticsNation’ to Sundays – The Hollywood Reporter
Looks like you intended this thread for the Pit. I’ve reported it so that one of the Mods can help you out.
Just wondering. Are you one of Sharpton’s ‘regulars’?
No. You said he only has 40 or so, remember?
Anyway, what does this thread have to do with elections?
Your OP has nothing to do with elections. It’s either MPSIMS or the Pit. Given the vitriol, the Pit is probably more suitable, but I’ll let the mods make that call.
Yes, we do.
Bimmer, rants belong in the BBQ Pit. That’s where I’ll move this.
“For discussion of elections and electoral politics, including strategy and tactics, political parties, individual races, political news, and politicians and public figures.”
I put the Sharpton announcement in ‘elections’ b/c it states this is the place for “public figures”. I think the race whore qualifies as a “public figure”. He’s visited BOBO’s White house over sixty times. His entire show has been about how fucking great BOBO is and how despicable the Reps. are.
Oh ya. Sharpton is a “public figure” all right…and a disgrace to his race. He has done more to divide the races than any “public figure” ever…with the exception of BOBO. and MO.
(post shortened)
Right. Nowhere does it say the Elections forum is the place for rants about people you don’t like.
And, BOBO? Seriously?
One can see the fire and brimstone coming out of your whatever as you wrote this. The terms “race whore” and “BOBO” pretty well poison the well for any rational discussion, which is not what you tried to start.
Care to explain to the rest of us what Mr. Obama (OUR president) has done to divide the races “more than any public figure ever”?
Really. Whatever happened to Barack HUSSEIN Obama?
Well, seems to have divided Bimmer from rational thought and coherence, for one thing.
Your mom’s a race whore.
Seriously, she’s into it all. NASCAR, Indy, F1…
Imo and apparently the opinion of many millions ‘BOBO’ is on track to become the most divisive President in US modern history.
Google ‘The most divisive modern day President in US history’. Gallup has some numbers you may not like nonetheless the numbers are accurate. Black on Black murder rates are skyrocketing. Black unemployment among young men is twice that of White young men. The jails are packed with young Black men. What has BOBO done to ease the situation? SFA that’s what. Oh and golf!
When the Blacks didn’t turn out for the Dems in the midterms the DNC, and BOBO basically began looking for another race to turn into Dem voters. Lo and behold! Along come the Latinos.
Now if the DNC can just get enough driver’s licenses into the Latinos hands which then allows them to register to vote by next year the Blacks will find themselves out in the cold. Even good old Jesse Jackson said he was tired of his community being taken advantage of by the Dems. That’s saying something.
Emphasis added. Maybe the OP saw that word and went “race, aha! This must be the forum for Sharpton.”.
Ah, but “Bobo” sounds enough like “bonobo” with enough plausible deniability.
I am sure you will be reassured once President Hillary is sworn in.
Well, you’ve got to admit that, seven years into the first black presidency, it’s disconcerting that it has become necessary to form a BLM movement…
You’ve also got to admit that the issue of race and policing is almost entirely a state problem and not a federal one. There is little a president can do to change the operating procedures of state and local police departments.
I don’t know what SFA means. I’m sure your concern for black on black crime is sincere, generally it comes up as a means for police apologists to minimize the importance of blacks being murdered by police. Mr. Obama wasn’t elected the president of black America, he was elected president of all of us. To think that somehow he could magically eliminate the problems of urban America and the underlying causes of minority unemployment and crime is quite odd to say the least.
I’ve encountered a lot of legendary mental midgets here over the years, but you’ve got a ways to go if you want to become a legend, son. Horrible writing style? Check. Racist? Check. Tenuous grasp of reality and facts? Check. Brash and overly-confident in your own intelligence? Check. No desire to hear anyone and possibly *learn *something? Check. Mindlessly regurgitating talking points and name-calling because actual original thoughts would be too difficult? Check.
You’ve got all the pieces to be amongst the stupidest posters ever to grace the SDMB, but you’ve just got to turn the crazy up a notch, boy. You’re just not *selling *it. Keep at it, though, I believe you’ve got what it takes to be pointed and laughed at like a champ.