Mt. Rushmore of your state

It’s “for better”. You’ll notice that Lee Harvey Oswald doesn’t have his face etched in stone anywhere just for leaving his mark on this country.

Rhode Island

Roger Williams

Remember when he was mayor for so long that the D.C. CityPaper routinely referred to him as “Mayor-for-Life Barry”? :smiley:

And the joke at the time of Gulf War I that Saddam should have a t-shirt with a pic of Ambassador April Glaspie and the caption “Bitch set me up” - that line, of course, was a steal from Barry at the time of his drug bust.

Yeah, his sorry ass belongs on D.C.'s Mt. Rushmore.

Can foreigners play?

OK, thanks.

For the 51st state of England I’ll have:

Geoffrey Chaucer, Issac Newton, Ada Lovelace, Emmeline Pankhurst.

H.P. Lovecraft and the Farrelly Brothers. There’s your four.

Except don’t employ me to carve Isaac Newton’s name under his face.

Yeah, I thought of the Ray Charles exception after I posted…

As for Juliette Low, I figured she falls in with Crawford Long: you may not know what exactly she’s famous for, but you’re definitely familiar with the result!

I may not like him, but a lot of people in DC still do. He’s still on the City Council.

RTFirefly, they still refer to him as “Mayor-for-Life”, despite having been out of office for over a decade now.

Anyone want to start a thread of candidates for Mount Breastmore?


Larry Bird
David Letterman
Michael Jackson
Abe Lincoln


Carl Barks
Matt Groening
Will Vinton
Bruce Campbell

Personally, I had always thought Reynolds was born in Florida. But I’ve found out there is apparently a quite heated war being fought at Wikipedia over where he was born. One group says Michigan and the other group says Georgia and there apparently was a major edit battle. The current article (which I believe is locked) has both states listed as his birthplace with no acknowledgment of the discrepancy. Maybe they could pick a compromise state like Kentucky.

I generally have respect for Wikipedia but this is the kind of nonsense that its detractors point to.

WA already has one!

Nah, you gotta get Ambrose Burnside up there somehow. Just imagine those sideburns at Rushmore scale.

Note: Burnside wasn’t born in RI, but his Civil War days started with a RI Regiment and he served as Governor and US Senator of RI, so we claim dibs.


Grant Wood
James Van Allen
Henry Wallace
Shawn Johnson

Alternates - Russel Stover, Corey Taylor, Ashton Kutcher, Hayden Fry

Connecticut: Mark Twain, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Keith Richards and …I’ll get back to you.

Same state but four different faces:

[li]**Bing Crosby **[/li][li]Jimi Hendrix[/li][li]**Gary Larson **[/li][li]**Edward R. Murrow **[/li][/ul]


Roger Williams
George M. Cohan
H. P. Lovecraft
S. J Perleman

Donald Barthelme
M. Night Shyamalan
Jerry Sandusky
Taylor Swift

Pennsylvania wins.

Didn’t see THAT coming.