MTV apologizes to India for Gandhi character in Clone High- WTH?

I don’t see Republicans, Democrats, Mongolians, Dutch, or Egyptians get apologies for CLONE HIGH’s portrayals of Abe Lincoln, JFK, Genghis Khan, Van Gogh or Cleopatra. Nor abusively maternal big-eyed actresses get apologies for Joan Crawford’s character. Sheesh!"mtv"%2B"clone+high"%2B"india"

Fulla cites

Yeah, Ike and I were discussing the poor prospects for this pretty-good show . . . Lousy time slot, no promotion, and now this . . .

Wonder why the Joan of Arc character isn’t being protested by the Cheese-Eating Surr— Ow! Stop that!

I just found out in the original Cafe Society thread that she’s Joan of Arc, not Joan Crawford-

so Apologies not only to the CHSMs but also to Delusional-or-Visionary-Riot-Grrls! ('cause JoA HAD to be the original Riot Grrl!)

Maybe MTV felt discretion was the better part of valour? They might find it a laughable complaint, but how many businesses can really afford to laugh off complaints, however silly?

“Cheese-Heating Surrender Monleys?” Well, I guess they do like their fondue . . .

“Monleys?” Damn.

The people of India complained. The people of Mongolia, the Netherlands, Egypt, Republicania, Democratia, and Joan Crawfordland (even though the latter had no reason to) didn’t.

Where is that?! Can I get a passport and a Green Card?

It’s on the corner of Wire and Hanger.

The reason MTV apologized is because they want to appear totally politically correct. Add to that they are complete and utter spineless hypocrites.

Basically they said, “Oh, we’re so sorry. Yes its wrong to make fun of him like that. Now here’s what’s coming up next week when we make fun of him like that!!”

They should’ve just said, “Its a cartoon, get a life! The show doesn’t even run in India!”

MTV: We are sorry, India. MTV cares. Next is Eminem’s new video where he kills his wife!

“South Park” mocks Jesus, but the creators have yet to apologize to Christians. Personally, I think it’s a tempest in a teapot. But MTV certainly got a lot of free publicity out of their apology, which, come to think of it, may have been the reason behind it. Nothing like an international “controversy” to boost ratings, and if you don’t have one, make one up. (I had never even heard of the show before the apology made the news.)

I heard they’re going to drop Gandhi because of the controversy and do Mohammed instead. :wink:

According to the website, they DO do Mohammed. Also Buddha, Moses, and Jesus.

One anal reference…

To be on-topic now…

Gandhi is seen in India as a critical contributor to the freedom struggle against the “Western rulers”.

Now, an icon of contemporary Western culture makes fun of Gandhi.

So, the politicians see a time to rouse the uneducated masses and get some quick brownie points. That’s all.

At least that misspelling of Gandhi is a change from the usual “Ghandi.”

(What is so difficult about d followed by h?)
[sub](Thread title corrected. It was gettin’ to ME, too – Uke)[/sub]

Joan going to Jesus Christo for spirtual advice when she thought God was talking to her in tonight’s episode was great though.

So maybe MTV is being an equal opportunity offender for once. Let’s see if they milk the publicity…um, apologize for this one.