MTV Sweet Sixteen - is this fucking show for real?

Today I happened to see a few episodes of the MTV show “Sweet Sixteen.” I have to say, I was utterly shocked and appalled by it. I don’t think I have ever seen anything as disgusting or thoroughly unlikeable as this show on television, ever.

Unspeakably spoiled, air-headed girls are pampered by their parents, given whatever they want, bought insanely expensive gifts, including cars, and then on top of everything, these girls have the nerve to bitch constantly, whining to their parents about how stuff isn’t good enough?

One girl was taken all the way to Paris just to buy one goddamn dress, and then complained that the dress wasn’t good enough. The same girl was shrieking and jumping for joy at the Range Rover she was about to get, and then when she sat down in it, the salesman mentioned that it was a trade-in (even though it was basically brand new) and she goes, “used? eeewwwww!”

Another girl, the daughter of some rapper and a mother who looked like she must have been 13 when the girl was born, was being thrown an extravagant party, and had the audacity to demand that all of her guests bring her “presents or money.” “If you don’t bring me a gift or money, you can’t come!” She also insisted on being LOWERED BY HELICOPTER INTO THE FUCKING PARTY. When her parents see this pathetic cunt’s report card (D’s and C’s) they cancel the party - but she manages to convince them to let her have it, and at the end of the party, her parents give her a FUCKING STUPID-looking tiara that she exclaims “is worth the price of a few cars!”

I could not believe how spoiled, ungrateful, and genuinely dumb these girls are. Don’t they have any sense of perspective? There are so many 16-year old girls in the world that don’t even have enough money to feed themselves, or who have to live under the threat of violence, or who have to become prostitutes or work in fucking sweatshops just to stay alive. And the few girls who are lucky enough to not just live comfortable, but to live in extravagance like royalty, have the unmitigated gall to bitch and complain and whine instead of thanking God for their incredible luck and the fact that they will be provided for without ever having to work a day in their miserable, shallow, empty lives.

MTV’s Sweet Sixteen almost turned me into a Communist today - if anyone wants to start a proletarian revolution in this country, they would be wise to show this show to the troops before the coup.

All of the girls on “Sweet Sixteen” (plus their idiot parents) ought to be ashamed of themselves.

:: click ::

"…today on Oprah…

:: click ::

“…can you spell cat? I knew you…”

:: click ::

" …eady for some FOOTBALL!?"


Sounds like the whole point of the show is to provide the viewer with a display of behavior so extreme that it’s clownish or disgusting. If one doesn’t find it amusing, one can always feel superior to the obnoxious brats and their idiot parents.

And there lies the secret to reality television. It gives even the lowest of us someone to feel superior to.

That’s not to say you are the lowest of you cwthree. I mean, you may be. Probably not though. :wink:

Man I hate when the batteries in the remote die, forcing me to “happen” to watch several episodes of whatever’s on the last channel I clicked to. Can’t even turn the fucker off! Damn!!

Um hmmm. And I’m quite sure the bitch princesses on that stupid show would be the first ones to respond to their plight with a heartfelt cry of “Looooosers!”

Even so, it’s unpleasant to be reminded that these kind of idiots exist. I don’t watch MTV, although if I did I wouldn’t need this show to tell me, because I’d think watching MTV would be a constant reminder.

Then again, these aren’t even close to the worst human being I’ve dealt with (much less talked to) in the last two days.

Yes, yes … but are they hot?

P.S. I do agree with your point, and sadly it suggests to me that the next generation of these wealthy families will duly be brought up to value money over manners and common sense.

Heh heh. On the plus side, perhaps it means they won’t be rich forever.

It’s practice for a wedding, where unabashed entitlement reigns supreme.

I know. I even hate commercials for “reality shows”, so I change the channel or turn it off. I wanna be a Hilton…Gotti…Flintstone…Gah!

Yeah, it’s terrible. Ellis Dee’s comment reminds me that there is/was a show on UPN called Bridezillas, which may have had a similar premise. I hate shows that do this, but I’m actually HOPING that MTV is ridiculing these spoiled bitches instead of just catering to the wannabes in the crowd by offering them all this crap.

Sometimes dad will “casually” mention the cost of the parties; most parties were around $250,000, but I recall one being well over $500,000.

Sadly, most of the parties don’t seem that great.

There’s got to be a law of diminishing returns there.

It’s “I wanna be a Hilton”? I thought it was “I wanna bang a Hilton”. :slight_smile:

I’m one of those 16-year-olds who don’t want to be a white skinny girl who doesn’t know what Walmart is. I’m quite happy to be a 15-year-old Korean math nerd who’s probably going to be voted “Most Likely to Win Some Big-Ass Prize for a Medical Discovery” when I graduate.

Hell, my family doesn’t even put up some crappy sign that says, “Happee Burthdae!” written in a black Sharpie pen. And these girls get a car??? In ten years, they’ll be driving a car for me. :smiley:

I like the way you think, dare_devil007_. They say “living well is the best revenge,” but if you get that kind of revenge, people might miss the point. Your way is more like “getting really good revenge is the best revenge.” :slight_smile:

They should be driving you. But they won’t - they’ll be living off their parents’ money.

Dammit, that’s what Jerry Springer-type shows were supposed to take care of. It’s the evolution of ugly-- luring it to a studio and poking it with sticks isn’t enough anymore. Now we have to study the ugly in it’s natural environment.

I’d say it’s even money these girls are being ridiculed or lauded. This is MTV we’re talking about; the network that gave us Real World and Cribs.

Very laudible, particularly what follows in your post re: your ambitions. And I sure as hell wish I were a math nerd, myself. But please don’t join those who think casual anti-white racism is any less wretched than any other kind. “White” does not equate to rich, spoiled or (sadly) “skinny.” :stuck_out_tongue: