Mud Volleyball, Ever Play?

So pretty close to me, a couple hours south in Ohio, they’re having a big Mud Volleyball game. :dubious: I’ve always sucked at sports in school, but liked getting dirty as a kid. Since my social stats is pretty low (IE dead ) I was thinking, what the heck, it’s a fun drive, maybe I’ll go down and see it. So anyone been to one before? I figure I’ll wear old clothes 'case I get splashed or something.

At the college I graduated from part of the homecoming was a big mud volleyball tournament. Everybody played and it was a blast. Wear old clothes for sure. There is mud flying everywhere. What doesn’t get splashed gets thrown. The ball gets unevenly coated with mud and doesn’t do what it’s supposed to. ie the ball goes flying into the stands quite often spraying everyone in it’s path. Being drunk out of our minds had nothing to do with that either :dubious: Ahhhhhhh good times. :cool:

My girlfriend was in the parade one time so she dressed rather nicely and came to my game afterwards. Nice yellow dress. Need I go on? :eek: :eek: The ball hit her not once but twice in about a minute. She was somewhat less than pleased. :smiley: :smiley: Me rolling on the ground laughing didn’t help much. Some people have no sense of humor.

I’m surprised I never saw this thread. I’ve played, what a hoot. Basically a bunch of people rolling around in the mud.

I’m going through some pictures. And ended up finding this old thread.

Pro-tip - duct tape your shoes on or you will loose them for sure. Or do as I did and buy some high top Converse or similar. Those don’t come off.

My team (I’m taking the picture)

What it’s like. Needed a little more mud :rofl: I’m the guy between the girls. In the end they would use those hoses to spray people off.

Mud, you say? Volleyball, you say? Must be a thread for @digs!

dig you say? My girlfriend on left covered in mud. Good friend (in Bill the Cat tee-shirt) on right also covered.

We took this sort of seriously. Well, I take volleyball seriously. Only sport I’m any good at. The beer helped :grin:


Did this for many years here in Columbus, Ohio as a part of an annual charity/fundraising event. It is a blast, most people and teams there are there for a good time and to day drink. There are teams that can be more serious about winning but overall it’s just a fun day to day drink, get very muddy, and have a blast doing so.

Definitely wear old clothes and shoes. They won’t ever come clean again. We planned accordingly and threw away everything we wore that day.

Don’t be fooled by the term “mud”. In my experience it’s mostly muddy water in a rectangular hole in the ground. Yes, lots of mud under the water and sides of the “court” but you’re basically playing in muddy water. Expect small rocks/stones, etc. and getting some scrapes.

Duct tape is your friend. Before your first game while you are nice and dry/clean, use duct tape to secure your shoes to your feet/legs. I suggest wearing soccer socks too. The muddy water and mud will take the shoes right off your feet otherwise.

Stay hydrated. Beer counts. :smiley:

Holy shit. I saw this thread and “July 04” and assumed July 4th, of this year. I had no idea I was responding to an almost 20 year old thread. My apologies and I hope you had fun back in the day! LOL

That’s what I looked like after Woodstock 2.


Don’t anyone mention this to Son-of-a-wrek.

Yeah, I came across my pictures from mud volleyball, and was going to start a thread about it but discourse found this old one. I didn’t see any harm in reviving it.