Multiple births - Highest number where you’ve known each person

I know a guy who has (somewhat famous) identical quads.

Quads. I expect to stay in touch with them for a while since they are 80% of my children.

None that I can think of. The really weird thing, I think, is that I cannot remember even any IDENTICAL twins. I know several families with fraternal twins, but no splits.

I know a ton of twins, I went to school with like 7 sets and am dating a twin, and know a few others, and some of my friends have twin kids.

Only one set I don’t know the other. Some guy I play trivia with, we’ve only just met.

Never met any higher sets of multiples. There’s a set of triplets at one of our elementary schools right now. They were featured at an Indians game against Minnesota holding up a sign that says “Our triplets are better than your Twins!” and local Facebook went a little gaga over it.

Known a bunch of twins. Lived across the street from twins … twice.

Never a met a triplet, AFAIK.

I went to middle and high school with triplets and knew all three (same grade as me). I worked with one for a little while too after college.

My brother has triplets, so I’m uncle to a set. They were conceived in vitro; they put three fertilized eggs in, and all three took, so they’re all genetically different. Very different kids, too. Two girls and a boy.

I know this one family with 14 children that includes 4 sets of twins.


I knew some Tripletts in grade school, but never any triplets.

I’ve known many pairs of twins. Even had a pair as roommates one year in college.

:eek: I wasn’t expecting a response like this!

My SIL has a fraternal twin brother, and identical twin daughters. One of her sisters had triplets: two identical girls and a fraternal boy.

I once worked in a supermarket where a customer rehularly brought her young set of quad boys while she shopped. Looked identical hut I never asked.

And I once dated a triplet - identical sisters.

I know my identical triplet sons quite well. :grinning:

Well, I sure would hope so! How old are they, and are they boys, girls, or a few of each?


The medium-sized hospital I used to work at, which was in a small city in a rural area, had a quadruplet birth in the 1970s. The mother had been told to expect twins, and was quite surprised at the result, as one could imagine. All were boys - identical triplets with a fourth boy who died shortly after birth. The “triplets” also had recessive hereditary deafness, and they were the only triplets who had ever attended the state school for the deaf.

I found out about the quadruplet birth when the doctor who delivered them died, and this was mentioned in his obituary.

In university I knew a set of triplets. They studied music. One played trumpet, one played French horn, and one played trombone. They looked alike enough that you could tell they were brothers, but not so much alike that it was hard to tell them apart.

I’ve known a set of triplets, although I mostly knew two of them, and just briefly met the third.

Slightly? funny story: I met the two playing Magic and maybe a week or two after I met them, we all went to a large tournament. I saw one of them after a round and went over to talk to him. I hadn’t learned to tell them apart yet so I didn’t address him by name. As I talked to him he got a confused look on his face. After a moment he said “I think you might be looking for one of my brothers.”

Which is how I learned that the two I had previously met were not twins as I had assumed, but triplets.

Oops! How could I have forgotten THIS? Guess it’s been a while.

I had some neighbors in my old town who had triplet girls, all “sororal”. :smiley: Two were short and had dark hair and looked like their dad, and the third was tall and blonde like her mother. They were about 6 years old at the time.

I think you win.