MUST you sons a bitches take advantage of this tragedy?

So, at my college campus, we have a bunch of pro-lifers trying to preach to the “fornicating college students.” In fact, last week a fight broke out between some of them and some of the audience. They came with the standard huge pictures of aborted fetuses. Never mind that they’re right in front of one of the main campus libraries, which may prevent timid and/or queasy people from entering.

As I was sitting outside eating my lunch, I heard this lovely piece of wisdom come out of one of the protesters mouth: “I believe God is using the Arab world to punish America for the promotion of immorality [read: homosexuality] and the murder of 42 million unborn children.”

What the FUCK?! How dare you try to use this terrible, terrible tragedy as a soapbox for you to promote your agenda. I’m sure there were plenty of pro-lifers who were killed. I know there were children who were killed. Hell, there may have been some “unborn children” killed.

Damn you all. You are worse than the pieces of shit clinging to the asses of the cockroaches that have invaded my apartment.

Probably watching Pat Robertson-you should have heard him.

…how much jail time would a person of no previous criminal record have to do after pimp-slapping, say, one of the these opportunistic gore-mongers until their teeth were all out on the sidewalk?

As one of the resident Christians here, let me just say that the moron mentioned in the OP is in no way representative of the normal Christian response to this disaster. Anyone who uses this to push their own political agenda is an asshole plain and simple.

BTW - did anything happen when the protestor shouted this nonsense? I would have smacked his ass to the ground. I think God would forgive me for that one.

Yeah, seems to me you could take advantage of this tragedy yourselves… Whip the living snot out of one of these bigots, then explain that you have a family member/close relative who worked in the WTC or the Pentagon and you just couldn’t control yourself, you were so upset.

Slacker: I consider myself a Christian as well, and was personally revolted that another human being, Christian or not, could sink to such a low. There was no ass-smacking that I know of (other than the aforementioned fight last week), though I did hear a lot of objections, some tearful, in the crowd after the twit said that.

No, I’m not trying to pad my post counts. I just realized: they were protesting in the middle of a memorial to all of the victims chalked out on the mall.