My apologies to Stranger and the rest of the Board

I began to compose this as a private message, but instead chose here. As always, the Mods should move as deemed appropriate.

I wish to extend my sincere apologies to @Stranger_On_A_Train , and to the rest of the board. Stranger, I am sorry for my dumb, ignorant, and frankly embarrassing comment, directed towards you in a thread about RFK, Jr., for which a warning was well deserved.

By way of explanation (but certainly not excuse), I must confess some personal information, despite a pervasive reluctance. As I imagine is true among many people who occupy online forums, my life in the real world is quite volatile. I don’t come here to dwell on any struggles, and haven’t regaled you, for example, with stories of my divorce, or ongoing cannabis addiction, or even about my lost cat (and the alligator I suspect to be the cause). Work provides anecdotes, but here is no place to belabor its stress and tribulations.

My comment, however, has betrayed that effort to stay stoic, as it arose because of a lapse in medication.

That sounds like such a sorry excuse when typed out, but I have been on antidepressants for some 25 years (and can recognize depressive symptoms since my earliest childhood). In a recent attempt to embark on a better path, a psychiatrist increased my dosage, and added a 2nd pill.

That has not settled my anxiety; I’m still stuck in a rut of my own making.

But it has made me ‘addicted’ to the pills.

My shrink, when I said that to her, blanched. “You’re not addicted!”

Really? Then explain the withdrawals.

After about a day, I get a headache and an inability to focus my eyes. My ex-wife said I would react by furrowing my brow like Nick Cage (and therefore would tell me I’m “Caging” if I missed a dosage). I start to get a little nauseous, too.

By day two, suicidal ideations (always a passing thought, despite my abiding fear of death) become more prominent. Usually, it’s a fixation on how to hold the gun (something I don’t own; by design).

But it also manifests with very troubled outbursts, for which I feel deep shame; such as spewing invective against a long esteemed Doper. (Other examples are telling friends – I really only have 2 – that they should stop contacting me; or composing a text to my ex-wife telling her my son shouldn’t visit me anymore).

So, that’s it. On day 3 of no Venlafaxine. Suicide of the metaphorical kind. It’s also why I told @Aspenglow that I would never post again.

It’s very frustrating to be in that moment. I know that my thinking is disordered, but I also feel that it is ‘who I really am’. And, to be sure, ‘who I really am’ saves the worst for himself. It’s a self-loathing that I usually don’t want to believe in, but without medication it grows into a self-identity that feels emotionally fulfilling.

I’m disturbed to think that these thoughts are only kept at bay when I take pills each day, or to realize that all of my thoughts and feelings are really just chemical interactions. My consciousness isn’t really as profound as I’d hoped.

Ideally, I’d use that as a springboard to a better, truer self. I certainly aspire to better things. But as you all got to see, I really hold just the thinnest veneer of respectability. At 46 year old, I’d like to think I would have grown up by now.

So I’m not sure that I should post all that much. I find myself to be boring, and that may be in part because I read here when I should be in my environment.

Nevertheless, I am sorry for my actions. They were wrong, and knowingly so.

(As for what I was thinking? If you read the post in question – I’m too embarrassed to link to it – @Beckdawrek had posted in the RFK Jr thread that RFK Jr had ‘issues’. I quoted her to make a really dumb joke (‘He has more issues than Time Magainze’). Stranger then quoted my quote with a response from Shakespeare, listing a litany of insults.

I was not familiar with the line, but google gave it to me, along with the beginning phrase that Stranger had omitted. That beginning phrase was something like ‘why would you converse with somebody who was…[that litany of insults]’.

My addled brain read that as Stranger castigating me for quoting Beck, by basically saying ‘Why are you talking with that [insulting descriptors]?’ I read it as bullying her by suggesting that others should ignore her.

That gave rise to my response, which I knew to be wholly improper as it was written, that I could converse with who I wanted, and that if he didn’t like it he could leave).

I am genuinely sorry for the many trials and tribulations you’ve endured off board. I hope you’re able to work your way through the challenges, and if it helps to come here and share about them, well, this can be a welcoming place. Please, not suicide!

It’s never easy to extend an apology or admit when one has been wrong, so bravo for that. It’s rare. Kudos.

I’m glad you’re back and hope you will continue to contribute to discussions as you feel comfortable. I have always found your contributions to be valuable.

My only advice in future is to please flag posts that you find objectionable and perhaps we can resolve your concerns short of issuing a Warning. I appreciate your acknowledging that we had no choice in this instance.

Welcome back. Truly.

I hope the meds get straightened out. I find your other posts here informative and valuable. It’s exactly what we need on this board.

Few of us here have never posted something in anger or inebriation that we regretted the next morning.

Good luck!

Please stay.

I second Northern Piper’s emotion.

You are all very kind. I’m tempted to post more specific replies, but I don’t want this to become my personal martyrdom show.

So my general thanks extend to those who might post later.

And @Stranger_On_A_Train , you certainly owe me no response (or might consider a pitting), but as I wrote my dumbass retort I realized how incongruous it was to the contemplative posts you regularly make. I think I surely knew I was missing nuance and showing my ass. There was no reason to draw you into my bad mood, but if it makes you feel any better you join good company.

I heartily agree with all of these. Welcome back and please stay.

And, in a personal aside, I think you’d find more of us than you imagine have had similar struggles and admire you (@Moriarty) for your perseverance and hard-won self awareness. To say nothing of the courage and humility displayed in your OP.

We all have emotional reactions to stresses that then get expressed at random.

Oh, and yes they are addictive. If you ever want to get off them, you should taper off them gradually, otherwise the rebound effect is very unpleasant. The brain’s neurochemistry adjusts to compensate for the pharmaceuticals — in some cases, receptor sites atrophy or reuptake mechanisms proliferate in response to medications that increase neurotransmitter activity, and in other cases receptor sites become more prevalent or the reuptake equipment gets thinned out to compensate for medications designed to block neurotransmitter activity. So the pharmaceuticals’ success stories are mostly short-term interventions, not long-term maintenance situations.

I’m sorry for your troubles and also hope that you stay around.

I actually wasn’t so much offended as confused by the response, and not just a little concerned that it might indicate some personal difficulties you were having. (I actually started to respond with a more extensive question but felt it might exacerbate the upset, and it really isn’t my business to pry unsolicited into another poster’s personal issues.) In all previous reactions that I recall, you have been a fount of practical legal knowledge and insight, and this was so discordant that was was sure there was something else going on.

As for psychoactive medications, I have complete sympathy both for the unexpected effects and the dismissal by psychiatrists who assure that those symptoms you are experiencing aren’t related to the drug because they aren’t listed in the Merck Manual or literature as a recognized adverse side effects even though they are broadly reported by patients. I’ve personally had some very significant adverse responses to Effexor (Venlafaxine) that were contrary to the published medical information and think it ought to be studied more extensively by an independent investigator and its recommended use more tightly restricted and monitored, but that is a topic for another thread. Changing dosage or going off of an anti-depressant or anti-anxiety drug is always a potentially challenging experience, and I completely understand a transient outburst or emotional turmoil in response.

I hope you continue to post, at least in regard to legal topics, because I think you have provided valuable insight. You must, of course, do what is most healthy for you, and there is certainly merit in taking a break or finding space to regain self-confidence or feel settled. But don’t feel like you need to refrain from posting on my account, or out of any undue shame in a momentary lapse of self-control under challenging circumstances.

I hope all goes well with you.


FWIW I, too, hope you stay around on this message board. We all occasionally stumble. Don’t let it stop you.

Fwiw, as well, I sympathize with what you’re going through off-board, and I also find great value in your posts. Yours is one of those usernames that stands out to me for quality, especially around issues of the law.

None of us have perfect track records here, don’t beat yourself up.

This is practically my theme song. :roll_eyes: To wit:

Stick around. Your humility is a tribute to your self-awareness. May we all follow your example. :+1:t3:

Wow. Sorry you’re suffering.
You’re welcome here and you stay around.
We like you.

Apologies are good for your soul and healthy for your karma.
It is a character plus to be able to do it as nicely and humbly as you.
I respect you for it.

I have no idea how I got into it.
Flew right over my head. (Altho’ I liked your comeback to my quip “he’s nuts”).
Never the less, don’t go away. We’re better for the fact you’re here.

Can The Loop look into downgrading this to a note, given the putative extenuating circumstances? Esp. if Moriarty has no prior warnings?

Flagged for discussion in the mod loop.

Seconded, for what my opinion is worth. Also seconding all the encouraging remarks: we all make mistakes, recognizing them as such is the way to proceed.

I would encourage that as well; this was clearly exceptional circumstances rather than malicious intent to violate board rules.


“No warning” is my vote.

If it matters.

I value your contributions to this MB at least as much as I ache to hear of your travails.

Your circumstances remind me of something I believe deeply: we don’t get what we deserve in this life. We get what we get.

I hope you get … better. I hope you get … through all of the shit, relatively unscathed.

I hope you stay around … in so many senses of the phrase.