My little boy kitty, Shilla, has been throwing up all weekend, but not getting up anything but stomach juices. He’s also been sticking close to Mom or sis when possible.
I took him to the vet this morning, and she can’t find anything seriously wrong with him. So she’s given him some liquids under the skin, and some medicine to help with the tummy. And she’s keeping him overnight to make sure he gets better.
Moody seems to miss him too, but she may just be trying to get more chicken stew from me.
Awwwww…poor thing…
I know how scary that is. I had a puppy once who had to
have fluids injected under the skin. Although in some weird way it WAS kinda cute, with that big lump o’ water hanging off his back like a goiter or something. I think I was just happy that SOMETHING was being done!
It’s good that your vet didnt find anything seriously wrong,
and that shes keeping an eye on him just to make sure.
I’m hoping for all that best and a speedy recovery!
Keep us posted!
Aw, I’m sorry about your baby. I had to take my baby to the emergency vet last night, too. It ain’t normal when cats breathe through their mouths!!! Anyway, he turns out to have a bad sinus cold thingy, so he can’t breathe through his nose. I hope that the vet was right and that’s all that’s wrong.
Did she check for swallowed threads? That’s what killed epeepunk’s old cat - my sister (a vet) checked for threads, but didn’t see any… but that’s still what it was - a thread stuck around her tongue and down her throat. Only symptom, vomiting and not eating. Worth a call if it is at ALL possible.
Not to play amateur vet here, but my parent’s adult cat just had something very similar. She stopped eating, lost half her body weight (she weighed 14 lbs and dropped to 7) and was throwing up all the time… ultrasounds and all sorts of tests showed nothing, they thought she had lymphoma, till they checked her out for irritable bowel syndrome. Turns out that’s what she’s got! She’s on a special diet that won’t irritate her digestive system (costs a ton but she loves it) and she’s gaining weight rapidly.
Hope it turns out to be something equally treatable for your kitty.
I had a cat once eat a lizard that formed a blockage… result: throwing up and not eating. Our dog ate a bunch of cat hairballs (gross, I know) and got a similar blockage and had the same symptoms… the cat was fixed with an enema… the dog I forget.
My parents had to bring Pete (the beagle) to the vet’s this weekend, too. His ear swelled up. The whole floppy part was inflated like a ballon, so naturally we worried. Appearently it’s a blood blister (wtf!)that he some how got from his favorite hobby- vigorous head shaking- and will go away on its own soon, and isn’t hurting him. Looks pretty damn funny, though. I’ve never heard of it happening before, but the vet said it’s pretty common in long eared dogs. I hope your cat feels better soon too!
I’m sorry to hear about your poor kitty’s illness. I hope they find out what is wrong with him. At least until they do, they can keep him hydrated. Please keep us posted.
Somewhere around the time I noticed him throwing up the first time, I caught him trying to kill a roll of paper towels. I’m hoping that he swallowed a mouthful of towel and it will show up on x-ray tomorrow.
Shilla’s home again. I talked to the doctor, and told her how I can’t give them canned food anymore cause he always overeats and then throws up. [sub]stupid cat[/sub] She said he is doing better, and that it is probably IBS. So he has medicine, and special food.
He is a lot perkier than when I took him to the vets.
When he got home, he had to reacquaint himself with the house (Ah, freedom!) Meanwhile, Moody wanted to get reacquainted with him. Oddly, this seemed to involve either sniffing or cleaning his… butt. So I had two little kitties running through the house like a train, one with her nose in the other one’s ass.