My best Chinese food evar!

I had kind of a rough day at work. I’m sure you all understand.

So I get home, and I’m thinking, *“What shall I make for dinner?” * Now, it’s the end of the pay period for everyone in my household, and my choices are few. I know I have some fresh fava beans, some really skinny young asparagus, some fresh scallions from my friend’s garden, and some cashews I just bought because I love cashews.

I get an idea. I look in the refrigerator. *** Yes!!*** I have some oyster sauce, and both kinds of chili-garlic sauce – the Vietnamese kind which is mostly hot, and the Thai kind, which is mostly sweet.

So I get busy. I Julienne as I have never Julienned before. I cut up garlic and celery and onion and the meat, and I put some rice on.

I shell the fava beans and put them on to boil. I put some oil in a castiron pan on high heat to get really hot. I mix the three sauces, and throw in some powdered shrimp from the nearby Mexican store.

The rice is almost done. I scoop the fava beans out with a slotted spoon, put the skinny asparagus into the boiling water standing up, and turn it off. I put the pork into the sizzling hot oil. One by one I put in the vegetables, and then the sauce. I turn off the rice. Oh my God. It is sublime. It is the most successful Chinese food I have ever made!

Ten minutes after I serve everyone, I am sitting at my desk; contemplating the general beauty of the universe and the beneficence of a God who will send me the cooking fairy every so often to expand my repertoire. I sit and eat in perfect joy.

Suddenly, my roommate comes knocking at my door.
"Hey! You know what turns out to be an appropriate addition to this dish?"

I stare in shock …
"No! What?"

(her cheap hinky) "Soy sauce! Want some?"

… … “No thanks.” :rolleyes: