My biggest tomato ever!

This year, I’m growing German Queen, and the first one of the plant is the biggest I’ve ever grown. No county fair winner, but I’m excited. This is also the first time I’ve opened a web photo account, and I hope this works.
The tomato weighs 1 pound, 10 1/2 ounces. (751 grams) In the photo, it shows a little lighter, but that’s on an uneven not-level surface.

I’ve been growing tomatoes for about 30 years. I’ve never had a big-tomato variety I wanted to repeat. I think I found one.

Do you eat it, or just put it up on a shelf and treat it like art? :wink:

We just ate that one about 20 minutes ago, accompanied by turkey, provolone, and broccoli sprout sandwiches. It was delicious, and it was meaty all the way through. What seed cavities there were, were too small to stick a pencil into.

You can see in the plant picture four or five more that are already pink. :smiley:


This is my first year growing tomatoes and the good news is I have tons of beautiful tomatoes. The bad news I have been sick most of the summer and haven’t been able to stomach eating a single one of them. I’m hoping after recovery from my surgery tomorrow that I will feel more up to eating some of them before they all go to rot. On the bright side, all the critters that come in the yard from the small woods behind us are well fed, although I’d appreciate it if they wouldn’t leave the mushy scraps on my deck :slight_smile:

Here’s my one bump.

Goddamn you people and your copious, tomato-loving rainfall. See the ugly, dark red area over Alabama in this map? I live right in the freaking middle of it. I haven’t gotten a decent tomato all year, and it’s been over 100 for the last week as well. :frowning:

I’m so jealous. I tried growing tomatoes for two years, and the bugs got 'em all - all but one each year. Bastids. I can’t compete.