My blood runs cold... J. Geils dead at 71

And I continue my march towards old age. Even my non musically interested self listened to the radio enough to know his band’s work.

Was this posted by a zombie who jumped into a DeLorean? I think Mr. Geils has been deceased for a couple of years now.


I blame the coworker who just shared this news out of the blue for no apparent reason, as well as myself for not looking at dates. :stuck_out_tongue:

ETA: :smack: I should’ve realized something was amiss when this hadn’t been posted earlier.

Weird. I got the same alert from a cow-orker. I’ve been chewing on it all afternoon because I thought he was already dead too.

I see similar posts pop up on Facebook from time to time, with someone posting “OMG, such-and-such has died! So sad!” And, then, they’ve linked to an article that’s several years old.

I have started to suspect that this is driven, in part, by people seeing the date of an article, but not registering that it’s not from the current year. In this case, J. Geils died on April 11, 2017 (i.e., two years ago, last week), so I can absolutely see that the co-workers may be seeing (and, then, sharing) the “news” through some sort of flashback posts from 2017 that were getting re-gurgitated. :slight_smile:

Shouldn’t the bigger news be that J. Geils came back to life?

On the up-side, he’s still 71.

Don’t feel bad. I think some Doper posted that Marlon Brando had died… a full ten years after the fact.

Someone musta got lost.

Yes, but now he’s Come Back (bayyyybeeee…)

I think it’s safe to assume that zombie love stinks.

Makes me wonder how Generalissimo Francisco Franco is doing these days.

Last I heard, he’s still dead too.

James Gandolfini is gone too. Totally blindsided me.

Double weird. I recently decided that The Sopranos would be my next binge. James Gandolfini is on my TeeVee screen as I type this. Quick, some one mention Donald Trump - maybe he’ll get caught up in some sort of a temporal trifecta somehow.

Well, I just read that the President choked on a pretzel…

Whose pretzel was it? Did they dust for pretzel?

In appx 1982, one of the less-knowledgable DJs on our campus radio station mistook a newly released album of old Janis Joplin recordings for actual new material and remarked in all seriousness, “I’m glad to see she’s still putting out new songs.”

There’s a thread that says something like “Gene Wolfe has died” and my very first initial reaction was to be upset that Gene Wilder died again. Seriously, my original thought was, “Oh no, not again!” before rational thought returned.

My memory has just been sold. Because I sure wasn’t using it today.

And then there are the people who are missed entirely. I found out only a few days ago that Soon-Tek Oh died in April last year, and no one posted about it here or in the Celebrity Death Pool thread.

Soon-Tek was one of my favorite guest stars on MAS*H, and was one of the few Korean characters on the show actually portrayed *by *a Korean. He also provided the voice for Mulan’s father in the Disney film Mulan.