If you’re grossed about by female troubles, you don’t need to read beyond here.
My body is going absolutely nuts. Four days after my period ended, it started again. I’m having abdominal and leg cramps. I’m nauseated, I never throw up, though…and I don’t have much of an appetite. I don’t think I have a fever.
And no, for the record, I’m not sexually active. I don’t have major stress in my life, or at least stress of such magnitude to which I’m not accustomed. Something’s going on–I’ve always had irregular periods, I’ve been nine days late before–but this is getting ridiculous.
Is this serious? What could be wrong? Is it worth going on birth control to get rid of this crap?
I agree with Arden… get thee to a doctor. IANAD, but it sounds like the same symptoms I had when I was diagnosed with cysts. Sooner you get it checked, sooner you’ll be better.
You know how to get in touch with me if you need anything. {{{{HUGS}}}}
Add another “me too” with getting your butt (heh, well, you know what I mean :D) to a doctor and soon!
I’m going through a huge gyno-nightmare situation right now, but it could have been worse if I hadn’t gone to the doctor when I first noticed something wrong.
If you need/want to talk about what the doc says, email me anytime (I check it way too often): mauvaise3@home.com.
Go to the doctor!
I have been dealing with something for the past year or so now, and they still haven’t figured out what is wrong with me yet.
So, you go, and you get yourself figured out. The sooner the better!
If you need to talk, just IM me or e-mail me.
Or, if you decide not to go to the doctor (since all Mississippi doctors are quacks, and you’d probably get shot like a horse :)), I’m offering my services free. I’ve been an amateur gynocolgist for years.
Nocturne - for years I had irregular periods, weird cramps, no periods, etc… After 7 cysts in 5 years, I finally found an acupuncturist who dianosed me with PolyCystic Ovarian Syndrome. Went to and endocrinologist who said, “How come your gyne didn’t catch this?” Moral of the story, go to the doctor, but don’t let them tell you nothing is wrong. Find another doctor, until someone gives you an answer. Same thing to you Kricket. Don’t let the gyne tell you it’s not a big deal. Research your symptoms, it is a big deal.