I once had a cat who had a thing for champagne. She also liked a certain herb–I mean besides catnip. And we found this out how?
At the time (long, long ago) I had some roommates, and one of my roommates had a boyfriend. He came over, opened up his baggie, and then set it on the floor (a bad mistake) while he rolled up joint number one. When he went for the baggie to roll joint number two, the baggie was gone. A frantic search revealed a trail of leaves, seeds and stems, culminating under the couch with the discover of my cat who still had the baggie on her head (now empty–the baggie I mean, not her head) and who was in a verrrrry good mood, at least until roomie’s boyfriend wanted his baggie back. But you couldn’t really call her a mean drunk.
This same cat once attached a glass of water and baking soda. The concoction had been prepared for relief of some stomach-ache and set on the floor (once again, not a good idea), where she lapped up a little, got really enthusiastic, upset the glass, and then spent a very long time sucking water and baking soda out of the carpet. Come on, baking soda? I think this cat had some kind of taste deficiency.
I once had a cat who had a thing for champagne. She also liked a certain herb–I mean besides catnip. And we found this out how?
At the time (long, long ago) I had some roommates, and one of my roommates had a boyfriend. He came over, opened up his baggie, and then set it on the floor (a bad mistake) while he rolled up joint number one. When he went for the baggie to roll joint number two, the baggie was gone. A frantic search revealed a trail of leaves, seeds and stems, culminating under the couch with the discover of my cat who still had the baggie on her head (now empty–the baggie I mean, not her head) and who was in a verrrrry good mood, at least until roomie’s boyfriend wanted his baggie back. But you couldn’t really call her a mean drunk.
This same cat once attacked a glass of water and baking soda. The concoction had been prepared for relief of some stomach-ache and set on the floor (once again, not a good idea), where she lapped up a little, got really enthusiastic, upset the glass, and then spent a very long time sucking water and baking soda out of the carpet. Come on, baking soda? I think this cat had some kind of taste deficiency.
My cat Joey will jump on the table to steal your green beans. I give him bacon or chicken or something like that and he is only half interested, but put out green beans and you might find yourself with a plate full of cat hair and no green beans in sight.
My very first cat, a tuxedo shorthair named Max, had a fondness for wine. A girlfriend and I were playing Scrabble on the living room floor, and he started sucking up my vino while I was studying the board. After a little, he kinda cocked his head, and fell over. Loud purring followed as he slept off his high. Silly kitty.
Buddy the Beagle eats little bits of chocolate all the time. On Christmas he has about 10 peanut M&M’s courtesy of my little niece. And my friend’s dog, a white lab, once raided the Halloween candy bowl. She consumed all but one miniature bar of chocolate (at least 30 pieces)*. She shat like a demon for a day and a half, but luckily suffered no devastating effects.
*We still giggle as we imagine her pushing the bowl containing the one remaining candy bar with her paw and saying, “I can’t possibly eat another bite.”
So they say. I’m wondering if this is a bit overstated though. I know people who give their pets chocolate from time to time, and the pets don’t seem to suffer ill effects. Personally, I don’t know as I’ve never owned a pet. Anybody got ideas?
They didn’t get a toxic dose. Baker’s chocolate is highly toxic because it is very concentrated. Once you get down to very diluted chocolate, like candies with a thin coating of milk chocolate or stuff like mudslides, it’s not as toxic. A tiny amount of milk chocolate is unlikely to cause a problem but it just depends on how much actual chocolate is in it and how much the animal weighs. But make no mistake it is very toxic. I have seen animals die from it and it’s not pretty.
And back to the topic; I had a friend with a cat that loved olives and mushrooms with ranch dressing. We’d hang out and talk over a plate of veggies and ranch dressing to dip them in and we’d have to give the cat some or she’d jump up and bat the food out of our hands.
Smoeky’s weird craving is tomato sauce, the chunkier the better. When I have a nuked pasta dinner, I always leave a little sauce in the tray and put that on the floor for her. She licks it clean. But she’ll be curious about whatever it is I am eating. If it’s safe for her, I’ll share. She’ll even beg for stuff she’s already turned down.
It’s a big, unbreakable rule in our house that kitty NEVER gets fed people food. As such, he never bothers us when we eat, because he has no idea that the food on our plates could ever be consumed by him. Even when we drop food accidentally, it’s immediately picked up and thrown out rather than letting Clarky eat it.
However, once, a few months ago, as I was making popcorn, a kernel dropped directly in front of the cat. Clark snorked it up immediately, and ever since, he becomes a wild thing the moment he smells popcorn. I’m talking the full-on crazies. He runs around at top speed brrrting and mrrrting, and stalks you when you start eating. It’s insane.
Lessee–Trouble loved any bread/cereal/grain product, and especially popcorn.
Spanky loved melon and tomato.
Molly will drink beer.
NONE of my cats have cared two figs for any kind of real fish/shrimp, only what comes out of a catfood can. But they lovelovelove beef jerky, so I give them bites of the dog’s jerky treats (less sodium).
my littlest boy kittie likes his blue moon. doesn’t care too much for the orange, however.
both he and the old boy kittie are definite stoners when it comes to fresh catnip. with indiana’s mild climate even through much of the winter, enough of my catnip plants survive outside to furnish them with endless highs.
We had a cat that had a thing for mint teabags. If you made tea, you had to seal the used bag in a ziploc to throw it away, or the cat would find it, drag it out, shred the bag and roll in the leaves. She’d then guard the pile fiercely, high as a kite.
But not just any lettuce; oh no. It has to be Red Leaf lettuce. All other lettuce will be sniffed and snubbed.
She also insists on having a bran flake from my raisin bran in the morning - but only if it’s Kellogg’s Raisin Bran. If it’s the generic store brand, she’ll have no truck with it.
Stella is a Persian and has no face. Stella likes marshmallows. After putting the groceries away, I left a bag of marshmallows on the table. I come back later to start cooking and I can’t find the bag. After much searching I see Stella’s floofy tail twitching from behind the couch. She had dragged her prey under the couch and had very carefully gnawed a tiny hole in the bag. One marshmallow had been licked in half with laser precision and she was desperately trying to enlarge the hole so she could get to the rest of it. The marshmallows are now kept on top of the fridge.
One night I rolled over in bed and put my hand in a wet spot about shoulder level. Without turning on the light and waking my husband, I smelled my hand and it smelled like wintergreen lifesavers and tuna. I felt around until my hand hit something furry. I reached for the flashlight I keep in the nightstand, shined it in the direction of the spot, and saw that my cat was licking my husbands bare shoulder. Evidently he had got up in the middle of the night to apply Ben-Gay to his shoulder. The cat was licking it and drooling onto the bed.