My cats (all three of them) have a thing for drinking out of water glasses. I’d say more days than not I have a moment where I look over and say the title of this thread, and then have to go get a new water. Much as I love my kitties, I won’t drink after they’ve had their tongues and noses and sometimes their paws in my water glass.
My cat wants me to watch television. Actually she wants me to sit on the couch and pet her, but if the TVs on and I’m trying to clean the house, she’ll stand on the couch and yell at me. After a while the guilt overcomes me and I go sit down for a while.
My kitty does the same thing with the water glasses too.
I noticed that she likes to sleep on the rug next to my computer desk. It’ll be getting cold soon so I bought a little pet bed for her and put it in the spot where she likes to sleep. Now she sleeps right next to it.
One of the things my dear bride and I do together is read books.
That is, I read the book out loud and she listens.
We started this tradition when she was very ill from the chemo and now we have come to really enjoy this more than we ever thought we would.
I get to work on my voices and she gets to hear a book read to her.
Win - win, right?
Well, no not really. Enter the mammalian companions.
Our two smaller canine mistresses are pretty good about not interrupting ‘story time’ They crawl into bed and sit there and appear to be listening.
Not so the felines.
Oh no. They want to read the book themselves.
That means crawling into daddy’s lap and grabbing at the book with their paws (and sometimes mouth).
Yeah, that will really interrupt the flow of a Harry Dresden story when the bad guys look like they have our hero cornered and the hammer is about to come down and … wait STOP IT Greymalkin!!! Get out of the way! Grrrrr.
I now use a 24 oz tervis insulated cup with sippy lid to keep the furrball out of my water.
I have 2 to 3 nap attacks during the day thanks to my meds, and Jezabel positively insists on snuggling in with me and gets downright grumpy if I nap on the sofa where there isn’t room for her to assume her normal snuggle spot instead of in bed where she can. I have no idea how one 9 pound cat can take up so much damned room!
She doesn’t actually like solid people food, but she loves licking up meat juice, beef in particular. She does like the tuna packing water, I do a can of tuna a week as part of 2 lunches, so she enjoys that.
She also will follow me around the house like a puppy, and plays fetch with a yellow foamy earplug. Only thing she will play fetch with.
One of my cats used to reach into my glass to play with the ice floating in it. Fortunately, he stopped doing it, although if I drop ice into the water bowl (or onto the floor) he will bat it around.
I don’t have time to search at the moment but Target has these brilliant glasses with lids, they’re tumbler sized drinking glasses with red plastic fitted lids. PERFECT for keeping kitty paws out.
When the Neville kitties were younger, they used to bat at ice in glasses. We stopped leaving any drinking glass unattended unless it’s empty (and advise guests in our house not to do so).
Katya wants us to pet her while she eats. She makes these cute little squeaky mews to tell us that we should come downstairs and pet her while she eats.
Luna wants into one of our laps. Unfortunately, it’s hard for me to sit with her on my lap and have my arms be able to reach the keyboard. Mr. Neville has even more problems with his laptop.
They’re good with books, though. They just scent-mark the corners of books with their cheeks.
When we had one kitty, jumping onto the bathroom counter every time we walked into the room was kinda cute. We’d even encourage him further by turning the faucet on slightly for him to drink the running water, and leaving the stopper in when we left the room so he could fill up after we left. (He also licked my legs whenever I got out of the shower.)
Then we added a pair of kittens to our fur family, and suddenly something that used to be a cute habit had become a furry stampede! You can’t even brush your teeth when you can’t put all 3 on the floor at the same time. I found the solution, though. I can’t believe I did it, but I purchased a $70 water fountain/bowl for the monsters. The new guys stopped coming to sink almost immediately, and our original boy learned after several days of being carried from the bathroom counter to the new dish.
Aww. Cutest post ever. The image of the dogs all cuddled up and the cats batting away at the book–I know it must be aggravating (the cats, anyway) but it’s so damned cute.
Got milk? claims all leather as his. He also likes feet stank, so if you happen to be wearing leather shoes and remove them in my house, you will find the cat laying on them, with his head jammed into the toe as far as he can get it in there.
Recently, I acquired a pair of thigh-high leather boots. I took them off and tossed them on the couch because I didn’t want to leave them on the floor where he’d get at them. Sometimes, he gets a bit turned on by the leather smell and “makes biscuits” with his sharp-ass feets, leaving little claw marks in all my nice leather stuff. I forgot about the boots and took the dog outside to pee. When I got back, I found the cat, curled up in a little ball, with the leg of one boot wrapped around him. He looked like black and white fur and leather sushi.
My cat, bless her heart, won’t eat anything except dry cat food. And crinkly plastic.
I learned pretty quick to keep packing tape and other packaging plastic put well away from her. I thought I was doing fine.
Then it was Christmas. I dragged my leftover gift wrap out from under the guest bed, and found that she had completely pulverized an entire bag of gift bows. It looks like she would take one out, chew on it until it was well and truly gone, then start on another. No greedy kitty, that, just took what she needed.
My sister allowed her cats to drink from her glass. Even her foster kitties. So when my parents got one of them, what did Hermione do? I feel kind of bad for whoever adopted my sister’s foster cats because she let them have all sorts of bad habits. (She took good care of them, but she didn’t train them to keep off countertops or anything like that)
This is true. Love this thread, because my cat does almost all of this. She loves drinking from the faucet, and will bite you and run into the bathroom to let you know she wants a drink.
She will stick her paws in my cereal bowls while im eating, and proceed to lick them. This is always the end of my breakfast, because… well she walks in the litterbox with those feet :mad:
If I’m reading a book (especially textbooks,) writing in a notebook, or doing a sheet of homework she comes up and lays on it. This is probably a desire for attention.
My dog waits patiently for me to wake up in the morning. However, once she senses that I’m awake, she wants me to be up. I am guessing that she hears my breathing change, but who knows? Anyway, if I lie there and try to go back to sleep, first I feel the soft tickle of her whiskers on my cheek. Then, if I still ignore her, up comes the two paws so she can get closer enough to lick my face.
One of my rabbits will head-butt me if he decides that the standard petting is insufficient and he requires petting of his forehead/bridge of the nose. If I continue to fail in my duty, he’ll hop off my lap and go suck up to my husband for petting time.
I don’t mind if he head-butts my hand, but head-butting me in the breast is really rude. That happens when I’m leaning over to type on my laptop and he aims for a target of opportunity.
My cat used to be that way with packing peanuts. He’d get into the box of peanuts in the closet, get one out, chew it up, and continue on with another if he was in the mood. He would also play with them as a toy. Anyway, that behavior stopped when one day I got a package that was packed in those cornstarch peanuts. He got into the box while I was dealing with whatever I had ordered, started to chew, and had it dissolve in his mouth. He gave me the worst look I’ve ever seen a cat give me and hasn’t been interested in packing peanuts since.