My cat saw his first helicopter.

This happened earlier this week. His reaction was :eek: .

Before that, his favorite hobby was to chase after the starlings that came to dine at our birdfeeder. He never tried to kill them, just run towards them until they took flight, then jump up and smack at them, badminton style.
But now, he’ll start running towards one, then look up to the sky. Then he just looks at the bird, and dreams of the old days, before the giant bird god appeared and roared it’s warning to all who dare to disturb it’s tiny minions.

“Where does a 500 lb canary sit?”

“Anywhere it wants to”

Poor widdle putty tat.

We had a whole load of hot-air balloons pass straight over our house. Our cat took one look at them and went and hid under the couch for the next few hours.

I live on the flight path into Bristol airport. Poppy likes to sit outside and watch the birds - when the planes come over she crouches as if she’s going to pounce on them, then as they go over her head she ratchets her head back to follow it until she falls over.

I have a stupid cat…