More Ralph:
[Ralph is lying in bed]
Ralph Wiggum: Daddy, these rubber pants are hot.
Chief Wiggum: You’ll wear 'em till you learn, son.
Ralph Wiggum: Me fail English? That’s unpossible!
Ralph Wiggum: Your toys are fun to touch. Mine are all sticky.
Ralph Wiggum: I found a moonrock in my nose!
Homer: There’s your giraffe, little girl!
Ralph Wiggum: I’m a boy.
Homer: That’s the spirit! Never give up.
Not Ralph, but very appilcable to some of the nut hatches getting Pitted.
Grampa Simpson: [typing letter] ‘Dear Mr. President. There are too many states. Please eliminate three. I am not a crackpot.’
Back to our hero:
Ralph Wiggum: [giving report] …and when the Doctor didn’t have worms anymore that was the happiest day of my life.
Miss Hover: Thank you, Ralph, very graphic.
Ralph Wiggum: Hi Principal Skinner! Hi Super Nintendo Chalmers!
Ralph Wiggum: The doctor said I wouldn’t get so many nosebleeds if I kept my finger outta there.
Here is the full quote from above:
Lisa: All we found were these oozing berries, and they look pretty poisonous.
Ralph Wiggum: I ated the purple berries… oooh, oohh
[falls to ground]
Ralph Wiggum: ooohhh!
Lisa: How are they Ralph? Good?
Ralph Wiggum: They taste like…burning!
[A rat steals the key]
Ralph: The pointy kitty took it.
See to definitive source:
“Then, the doctor told me that BOTH my eyes were lazy! And that’s why it was the best summer ever.”