My Cat's Breath...

Smells like cat food.

I am told this is a Simpsons quote. I have only encountered it as a meaningless catch phrase used to derail a meaningless thread.

Is it a Simpsons quote, and in what context was it presented? Am I misunderstanding the use on the SDMB?

Yearning to be part of the In Crowd, but not as long as I have to watch the Simpsons, a show whose charm escapes me…


I’m pretty sure it’s a Wiggimism, one of Ralph Wiggum’s many zany sayings…

It is, in fact a quote from The Simpsons, said by Ralph Wiggum. You can find a transcript of the episode here: It is said as a total non-sequitor, yes, so I would argue we’re using it correctly. Here are the relevant lines:

Ralph: [skipping with his diorama] I beat the smart kids! I beat the smart kids! I – [trips] [unhappy] I bent my Wookie.

Lisa: Hey Ralph, want to come with me and Alison to play “Anagrams”?

Alison: We take proper names and rearrange the letters to form a description of that person.

Ralph: My cat’s breath smells like cat food.

It is from episode 1F17, Lisa’s Rival.
A transcript can be found here

Seven minutes, three replies, with cites.

God bless the SDMB, and those who make it what it is.


There is more to Ralph Wiggam then “cat food”.

There is also:

“It tastes like— burning”

“It smells like hot dogs!”

“You choo-choo-Chose me?”

“That’s where I saw the leprican, he tells me to burn things”

All are perfect for mocking the dimwitted.


More Ralph:

[Ralph is lying in bed]
Ralph Wiggum: Daddy, these rubber pants are hot.
Chief Wiggum: You’ll wear 'em till you learn, son.

Ralph Wiggum: Me fail English? That’s unpossible!

Ralph Wiggum: Your toys are fun to touch. Mine are all sticky.

Ralph Wiggum: I found a moonrock in my nose!

Homer: There’s your giraffe, little girl!
Ralph Wiggum: I’m a boy.
Homer: That’s the spirit! Never give up.
Not Ralph, but very appilcable to some of the nut hatches getting Pitted.

Grampa Simpson: [typing letter] ‘Dear Mr. President. There are too many states. Please eliminate three. I am not a crackpot.’
Back to our hero:

Ralph Wiggum: [giving report] …and when the Doctor didn’t have worms anymore that was the happiest day of my life.
Miss Hover: Thank you, Ralph, very graphic.

Ralph Wiggum: Hi Principal Skinner! Hi Super Nintendo Chalmers!

Ralph Wiggum: The doctor said I wouldn’t get so many nosebleeds if I kept my finger outta there.

Here is the full quote from above:

Lisa: All we found were these oozing berries, and they look pretty poisonous.
Ralph Wiggum: I ated the purple berries… oooh, oohh
[falls to ground]
Ralph Wiggum: ooohhh!
Lisa: How are they Ralph? Good?
Ralph Wiggum: They taste like…burning!

[A rat steals the key]
Ralph: The pointy kitty took it.

See to definitive source:

“Then, the doctor told me that BOTH my eyes were lazy! And that’s why it was the best summer ever.”
