Bizarro dream last night/this morning. Among other things, there was a swimming pool containing a shark, my cats and me, I cut the left front paw off my boy cat thinking it would grow back, my girl cat got eaten by the shark, and the girl cat’s face washed up on the edge of the pool and meowed at me. Very disturbing.
Oooh, I hate the “I’m hurting my cat” dreams. Sorry about your dream, Otto, but it’s kind of comforting to know I’m not the only one! I have dreams where I have to do some kind of weird surgery on my cat, or that she cat has all kinds bizarre injuries, but somehow hasn’t died, and everything I do seems like the right thing to do in the dream, but it’s something terrible, like digging her eye out, or pulling toes off her paws. . . Ugh. The most awful one was where the house was invaded by these huge, awful slugs, and I was trying to kill them by putting salt on them, and then somehow (yay, dream “logic”) they morphed into kittens. So there I was, holding this squirming kitten so I could sprinkle salt in its eyes, and I hated making the poor thing suffer, and tears were running down my face, while someone was telling me, “But you have to do it, or you’ll never get rid of this infestation.”
What causes those? I hope to God people don’t get dreams like this about their kids!
Not about my kid, and not about a real kid… last night I dreamed I saw my sister. She had left her husband. I asked, “what about the baby?” (they don’t have one, but are thinking about it).
She replies, “oh, that wasn’t really my baby, we adopted it, so I just left it with him”.
In my dreams I was thinking, oh my god, and had a face like this :eek:
I often have dreams that my house is suddenly overrun with cats, and I can’t tell my cats from the invaders and I freak out. And then I usually wake up with a cat sleeping on my face.
I had a dream a few weeks ago where my friends who are about to have a baby had their baby but it was born terribly deformed and unhealthy and didn’t live very long.
I’m pretty sure that deformities like I saw in the dream would have shown up on the sonogram(s) that have been done on baby. Baby has not been born yet–to the best of my knowledge.
Though I have chatted with the friends in question several times since I had the dream-- I have NOT told them that I had a dream in which baby was less than perfectly happy. I don’t figure they need the worry–even though I’ve never had a dream that turned out to predict the future.
Well sometimes I dream about pussy… oh wait. Never mind.
I hate those dreams. I had a dream that someone broke into my house and tortured my cats…I woke up with tears running down my face. I’d rather have nightmares about someone torturing me.
I had to go find them and give them major kitty kisses that morning.
Apparently my “slow” cat had been feeling poorly for the past two weeks and we had not noticed it until this Wednesday evening when she PEEED on my duvet. We just thought that she had become less skittish and more “loving”. Nope! Something was wrong–jaundiced skin, eyes, and waste. Decreased appetite.
She is at the Banfield/PetSmart right now getting testing and IV admimistered fluids. She had lost 4 lbs. They wanted to check her for the feline AIDS but since she has not had sex, visited with anyone beyond the immediate family, or other prerequiste I told them not to do that test. I will know more this evening when I pick her up.
I wish that this were only a bad dream.
My wife has lots of weird dreams (I never remember mine). Couple of days ago she dreamt she was taking her morning walk when a very large, friendly dog came up, wanting to be petted.
She proceeded to scratch it ears, then stroke its head, then started petting its body. To her surprise, the dog had two pockets in its coat. She reached into one of these, and a whole herd of little cats came running out. :eek:
I don’t know what she had to eat the night before!
I once dreamed that I cut my dog Phyllis’s snout off with a scissors. :eek: In the dream it seemed like a sensible thing to do, but I woke up in absolute horror. I was extra nice to Phyllis for about a week, I felt so bad.
No, no, no, it’s not the same. Otto is gay, and clearly had an “aversion to pussy” dream. If one could harvest all the killed and maimed kitties from the dreams of gay men, Chinese food would be cheap the world over.
I once had a dream where I was convinced my brother was in a coma and dying. So of course, I had to put him out of his misery. By stabbing him in the stomach with a sharp pencil. But he didn’t die. And he didn’t die. And I was wondering if I should do anything else to kill him, when suddenly I wondered if he was really dying, and if stabbing him in the stomach was really the best idea. But NOW he’s REALLY dying, because I stabbed him, so I really do have to put him out of his misery, since the stabbed stomach must be incredibly agonizing. Arrrrg!