My chihuahua was attacked by a staffordshire/pit

Disclaimer- I got permission from the mods before I started this thread.

My Chihuahua was attacked last Sunday by a Staffordshire my boyfriend and I had from the pound. They aren’t accepting responsibility since my boyfriend signed a waiver they weren’t to be held responsible, though they did not say the dog had to be on a leash. I can’t use that avenue to help pay his vet bills.

It was quite an ordeal trying to find a vet willing to operate was extremely nerve wracking on his hole in the tummy, neck bites and cracked ribs. They wrapped his wound, charged me 161 and I had to drive him to a vet who could operate on him.
The vet in Jacksonville discharged him the following day with the plan of me taking him back to Gainesville to see his primary vet.
I have a wellness plan for him at Banfield with monthly payments, which was worthless since they couldn’t do the pain drip for him. I wish I had been smart and used real pet insurance for my baby.
I’m fortunate that UF vet school is in town and they have been caring for my baby.
They were worried he had a hernia, then a sliding hernia which were ruled out thankfully but they did find abnormal liquid surrounding his lungs. The vet in JAX didn’t put drains in.

I’ve exhausted my finances [care credit] for the first surgery and follow-ups/tests.
I don’t know what else to do to. I don’t know if crowd funds for vet bills even works.

Get well, puppy!

I would love to donate (I have 3 Chis myself) but I am leery of giving out my CC or Bank details. It’s too bad they don’t have a way to send via PayPal. If you have a PayPal account I would gladly send you a bit (money is a bit tight right now).

Hoping the little one recovers.

That said, why does the breed the other dog get mentioned?

Also, you say nothing about the fate of the other dog or the management plan you had in place to introduce them?

thanks everyone :slight_smile: He was in good spirits last night when I visited him.

I only mention the breed as a size reference against my little baby. I’m not against big dogs at all.
I’m told yorkies will damage a dog just the same as bigger ones.

We had introduced the dogs and they were getting along. My sister is livid at me for not foreseeing my Chihuahua is “testy” to other dogs. We did the same thing we did with him when she got her big dog with supervised playtime.

The pound promised they would not euthanize the other dog. Their website has her listed on the website. No one has adopted her, but she’s waiting for a suitable home.

What an odd comment. Why in the world not mention it?

He has a pleural effusion likely secondary to penetrating chest wall trauma. His wounds show bacteria so he is now on chloramphenicol. He was not responding to the antibiotics.
It depends on the change from today’s culture, the one taken on Monday and then again next Monday if he needs expensive and invasive surgery.

astro, my boyfriend idea to get the dog. I didn’t have knowledge until the day of. I’m exhausted from my sister blaming him and demanding he pay money he doesn’t have. I didn’t want to focus on that aspect as I’m going to have a break down if I hear her pin point blame to everyone we know over this.

I had a scary episode with my chihuahua. A neighbor’s big dog had gotten out and came up to us in the front yard. Friendly. Then my chihuahua barked at it. That dog’s whole demeanor changed. I grabbed my dog and put him in the backyard. He kept barking. I thought for sure that big dog was going to jump my fence and go after my dog. Very scary. Thankfully the big dog lost interest and left.

Best wishes to your chihuahua. Hope the little guy gets better.

Get an honest opinion of your dogs long term chances of survival, you might end up paying out $2,000 for a dead dog. That sounds really cold but I see and hear of this all the time. Small dogs don’t do well after attacks from larger dogs.

I’m a bit confused. Where does the sister fit in, and why is she demanding money?

She has been blaming my boyfriend and thinks he should pay the vet bills, which he is unable to pay. She isn’t demanding money for herself, but he has given me all the money he could for the initial surgery. I’m overwhelmed discussing it with her how “stupid” he was for bringing the dog to his place while my dog was there.
It was a mistake and it doesn’t help for her to rehash that over and over.

I’m waiting to hear what the results from the tap say. It may be something other than the trauma causing the fluid. The dog bite seems to be the best outcome for treatment than another illness.

Thank you. I do hope your Chihuahua makes a good recovery.

Don’t worry, it won’t have been a Staffordshire/Pit. I’m sure it’s just a mis-identification. It pretty much always is, am I right?

My dog has been bit 2 times by pit bulls (one time the owner thought it was funny and giggled). I have been bitten 3 times by pit bulls.

Apartment’s insurance will not allow vicious dogs like these for this very reason.

Many areas have leash laws or dog at large laws. Sue the owner of the dog!

It sounds like you’re surrounded by asshole dog owners.

Not pit bulls. They may have looked like pit bulls but you will have misidentified them. Every time a dog that attacks someone is (mis-)identified as a pit bull it makes the puppy Jesus cry.

The first time my neighbor’s boyfriend staked out his 2 pitbulls in their yard (no fences between us) my mouth was suddenly full of my heart. Simply because my boy Chi is half Dachshund and he is a bit aggressive (ruff on back up) until he realizes the other dog is going to be nice. And if he went bugnutz then my alpha girl would go even more nutz. And then the teacup sized one might be in the fray even though she can barely chew a chewy. And it would have been my fault …

Thankfully both the male (he is a huuuge dog) and the female are dog friendly. And very people friendly!

The cutest thing ever was when they had both big dogs and a 7 week old pup out in the yard and my 3 ran over to say Hi!!! The puppy was bigger than all 3 Chis.

Back when I was a kid mumblety years ago a black Lab attacked my mom’s Chi and she only survived because our fluffy white cat attacked the dog back. He was saving “his” dog in “his” yard.

And when I was a preschooler I had my face bit by a white German Shepherd (with a pink nose). The color of the nose has stuck with me to the point that a white GS with a black nose or a black nosed Samoyed don’t bother me but any white dog with a pink nose makes me nervous. Even though it was my fault (we had a female Afghan Hound that was in heat… that we brought over while playing at the WGS’ farm. I got between them because I thought they were fighting. Hey, I was like 4. My older siblings should have known better.).

Then there was the “mutt who might have had pitbull in it but was removed from the neighborhood before it could be identified in any way” that attacked my heartdog (RIP) and left a gaping wound in the nape of her neck. My youngest son was walking her when the other dog broke out the screen door of its house to attack her.

We ended up contacting the sheriff (because we found out that dog had attacked other dogs in the rural 'hood) who talked to the attacking dog’s owners and told them they would be on the hook for the vet bills. We did have to have the sheriff stop by once more after that when the full bill came due and the owners ignored us. They paid.

My point: any dog can be bad or good. Some is nature, some is nurture and some can be just plain old luck.

Seamus is doing much better now. The chloramphenicol is working as opposed to the previous antibiotics. They checked him again yesterday and ruled out the pleural effusion.
That had me in a state of anxiety since the outcome of him surviving that would have been tough. He had his sutures removed as well.