My coworker is weird

I got in at 0740 this morning. She started talking immediately, standing at the file cabinet that separates our desks. She talked for 29 minutes. The 75-year-old part-timer is leaving next week, and my coworker is wondering (out loud, to me, repeatedly) how we’ll ever get all of the work done. I got a 20-minute break as she turned to something on her computer, then she started up again about half an hour ago. I’m the only one here who knows how to run programs to automate our jobs, so I finally said ‘Since you’re not working, I can show you how to run these.’ She suddenly had to go back to her desk. I told her to email me the file she’s working on, and I’ll show her how much quicker it is running it through an Easytrieve than to work it manually. She said she’s too busy doing other work. But I’m still hearing complaining and no typing.

I’ve gotten through my work, and the avalanche won’t start again until Monday or Tuesday. I offered to work on the file she has to do (I have a program for it), but she wants to save it for later, since she’s already started it.

Yes, this is really Mundane and Pointless. But if you’re worried about having too much work to do, do you really need to spend an hour compaining about it instead of working on it? (Anyway, I’m not very communicative in the morning.)

“ORACLE JUST WENT DOWN AGAIN! God, if they could just fix this, or tell us why it happens!!! Every afternoon, it’s so inconvenient, blah, blah…”

–gigi talks to DBAs and passes advice on to bitcher

“ORACLE JUST WENT DOWN AGAIN! God, if they could just fix this, or tell us why it happens!!! Every afternoon, it’s so inconvenient, blah, blah…”
:rolleyes: Bitching just to bitch, with no desire to really do anything about it.

Well, in bitcher’s defense, I find that Oracles advice 99.9% of the time there is a problem is, “you need to upgrade”

(I hate Oracle)

To hear that, you’d have to actually get a response to your SR.


From my limited experiences with Oracle, I’ve found it to suck.

It seems to be universal - those who whine about having so much to do would probably get it all done in no time if they’d just quit whining and get their asses in gear. Nobody else has time to whine because, well, they’re working…