So, I’m in Orlando living with my parents for a while. I posted previously about this decision and one of the biggest concerns in it was the dynamic between me and my dad. Now understand, my dad loves me very much. I know this. But my dad is a bull in the china shop of good intentions.
He grew up in West Virginia and is a bit older. He grew up in a world where the man of the house was the decision maker and that was that. As such, I grew up with a fear of argument and even lengthy or heated discussion. Something that has taken a while to overcome in other social settings.
Couple that with my dad being a right wing conservative, a closet racist, a homophobe and all sorts of other things. He also doesn’t know when to leave well enough alone. I watched him try to force his best friends (a couple from New Zealand) to gate crash on her (the wife’s) mother while they were back in New Zealand to visit. He was completely oblivious to their body language and the general “fuck off” flashing over head.
He’s the kind of guy who doesn’t believe you when you tell him you know something. He’ll say, “Did you hear about the alligators?” “Oh yeah dad, I heard about them.” “Yeah, 3 deaths in 4 days, blah blah blah blah blah” even when I had told him I knew about it. Now some might attribute this to an attempt to make conversation except he doesn’t make a conversation - he simply talks and talks.
I came down to live with them to help with his business and stuff, and he wants to retrain me on it all. Despite the fact that I’ve worked with him for a dozen years and carried countless hours and such. He just can’t fathom that someone else has a handle on something.
He is also the alpha male that is a cliche. He walks in a room and immediately seeks to control the people and the social dynamic. And so growing up I simply decided it was easier to let him be the alpha than to try and fight him for it, which has caused me years to slowly come out of my shell. To this day I have trouble being the alpha male until I’m convinced that it is what everyone else wants (such as my previous roommates who had trouble making any decisions.)
So this dynamic between my dad and I creates a lot of turmoil for me as I bite my tongue and try to keep the ride as smooth as possible. The fact of the matter is that he won’t be here for much of my time here. He’ll be with mom as she gets treatment, and while I hate that mom is going through this - I am glad that this won’t be a continuous dynamic for seven months or however long I do stay down here.
And lastly, my dad is a pessimist in an optimist’s clothing. He always always plans for the worst. I’ll never forget how we boarded the plan for Germany. He grabbed my shoulder and looked me in the eye to say, “If anything happens, you grab your sister. I’ll get mom.” Uhhh ok. (I was 13 or 14 at the time). Or like how he made sure we knew what to do to get out of the car should a bridge over water collapse underneath us. All that sort of stuff.
Despite this laundry list of complains, please don’t misunderstand me. He is still a confidant and someone I go to for wisdom since he has been through a lot in his life. It’s just all the stuff he does when not meaning too. It drives me bonkers.
Now, how about your father? How is your relationship with him? Could you live with him now that you’ve been out on your own? How much do you clash? Tell me! I’m curious if dad and I are the exception or the norm.