My Dad Just Walked In With a 2 1/2 Foot Teddy-Bear...

My parents just walked in with a 4 ft stuffed catfish from Home Depot

This- if you have not already guessed- is a spoof of Jester’s thread.
Its also a way for me to learn how to do that link thing.

Except my dad got me the bear on Wednesday night, not “just now.” And while the bear is outlandishly large, I’m not complaining. (He isn’t scary like Jester’s fish…) Really, the bear is lanky! he towers over my other animals. But he isn’t as big as I am (like those carnival bears). He’s just…an odd size. not so huge he’s scary, but not so small you can comfortably hold him on your lap.

I need a name. If it was a female bear, maybe Erica.
He comes with one, actually…the tag says “My name is Tender Teddy.” Huh. Um…anyone actually think I should KEEP his given name or give him a new one?


Derek. It should be named Derek. Or maybe Boo, as in Boo Radley.

i’ll take them under consideration. Any reason for these names?

How do you know it’s not a girl? Girls can be named Teddy also. You know, shortening of Theodora. Duh. ::gives her a “Kim slap”*::
[sub]*A Kim slap is named for the person who gives them: they look like it’s really hard, but in fact, it’s barely enough to feel someone doing it. It does not hurt at all, and is quite comical IRL. [I hope Kim (WeyrdChic) doesn’t read this, she’ll kill me quite uneffectively. ::snickers::]

::sighs patiently:: I know it’s not a girl bear, because I KNOW its not a girl bear. I’ve got the teddy leaning against me. I feel it. I know these things. Its like…you’d know if your lover was a male, right? Ok, just trust me on these things.

So…“Suzuki” (kidding), any ideas for baby’s name?

As a kid, I always wanted one of those giant toys.
I knew a couple of only-child kids who had them and ignored them. That would never have happened with my brothers and sisters. It would have been everything from a fort to a battering ram to a table to a trampoline.
Makes me wish I had a kid to give one to just thinking about it!

Oh he’s not that huge. Really, it would be give him airs if I described him that way. But he’s big enough to sit up next to be on the computer chair. I’m thinking of naming my bear after a literary character…know any good ones?

sigh Let’s see…Yuri-Doctor Zhivago?

Hmmmm…how about Mr. Darcy-from Pride and Prejudice?

Mr. Darcy was a sharp dresser, wasn’t he? And my bear does sport a rather jaunty brown bow. So perhaps. i’d have to take off the “Mr.” though, so he wouldn’t get pretentious or conceited.

Kewl. Darcy…very debonair and natty.

Yes I do… Frodo

Frodo was the hero in the Lord of the Rings trilogy. What can I say? Frodo sounds like a good name for a bear.

In fact, I can’t think of a better name for a giant teddy bear than Frodo Baggins.

Frodo Baggins? Its a nice name for a plump and naiive young hobbit, but for a sharply dressed, rakish young bear? Mmmm. I don’t know…

And while we’re at it, anyone know a good name for a tawny brown lion (small), sporting a blue “Columbia” shirt?

Well, while we’re at it I have two extremely large stuffed animals in the corner of my room that I have never bothered to name. One of them is an alien that my then future, now boyfriend spent 60 dollars trying to win me. The other is a monkey that that same boyfriend gave me. He has been called Ravid’s three and a half foot stuffed monkey, but I think he should have a real name. Any ideas for either one?

A grown man names teen girls’ stuffed animals… :rolleyes:

Zoggie’s bear: if you want a sharply-dressed literary character, there’s always James Bond. But since I don’t think that’s what you’re going for, may I suggest George Banks, the dad from Mary Poppins. Or Mr. Fezziwig, Ebeneezer Scrooge’s master (from when he was an apprentice) in A Christmas Carol? And don’t forget Mr. Darling, the dad in Peter Pan. There was that whole episode in the beginning where he was fiddling with his shirt and couldn’t get it to work.

Zoggie’s lion: the “Columbia” shirt made me think of Jimmy Buffet. That’s all I can do for now.

Hypergirl’s alien: there’s always Gazoo, from The Flintstones, but that seems kinda cheesy. How about Mork?

Hypergil’s monkey: the all-time based name for a monkey has to come from Friends. Marcel. 'Nuff said.

That should be …the all-time best name for a monkey…

oh! I thought of a good name for the bear. Yeah, I was thinking of characters from books who are male…and I thought of Maxim de Winter from Rebecca. The bear shall be dubbed, “Maxim.” Max for short. Thanks for your almost help, guys. :slight_smile:

Now we still have to work on the lion…and yes- the lion is a male. He has a beautiful mane that blows in the wind.

I am always of the opinion that Steve is a good name regardless of whom you are naming. Steve the Dog, Steve the Bear, Steve the Aardvark, etc. So, my vote for the lion is Steve. Plus you can tell people that he’s named after Steve McQueen, one of the coolest cats of all time.

…Steve from Blues Clues…:stuck_out_tongue:

Also I could lengthen his name, make it Stephen. After Monsieur King…

Maxim de Winter…sigh Another literary crush!

I have a stuffed alien a friend won in one of those stuffed animal machines and didn’t want, so she gave it to me. I call him Tom Servo.

My teddy bear doesn’t really have a name-he’s just Teddy.