I had often wondered what life would be like when our oldest turned 18. I got pregnant at 20 and had her when I was 21. So young. I look at old photos and laugh at how young I was.
When she was about 20 months old, I slipped on some ice in the driveway and dropped her. That probably explains a lot about why she is the way she is today! LOL
I was the room mom for years, active in the PTA, and went on many field trips. We had tea parties, carpet picnics, and I had to be the daughter when we played Barbies.
How many friends did I feed? There’s no way to add them all up.
So many birthday parties organized by me… from that very first one in her little ruffled dress and tights, roller skating, laser tag, indoor playscape, many at our house, and a very memorable 13th birthday party complete with a limousine/shopping mall/hotel slumber swim party. That one nearly did me in…
I’ve been to choir championships (first place - yea!), too many football games to remember, school plays, dance recitals, cheerleading competitions, musicals, jump rope practices and exibitions, emergency rooms, and the principal’s office.
We read together for thousands of hours, and I bought her thousands of books to encourage a love of reading. Luckily, it worked. I still buy her books.
Who knows how much money I spent at Gymboree, Gap Kids, Limited Too, Abercrombie, and Hollister? We’ve been so many shopping trips over the last 18 years. I would probably be in shock if all of that money was added up.
First steps and kindergarten, heartache, driver’s ed, first love, best friends and worst enemies, holidays and summer vacations…
Graduation is in less than 2 months. She plans to move out the end of August.
Once when she was about 7 or 8, she was getting a bowl from the kitchen cabinet when the whole thing detatched from the wall and came down on top of her. All of our dishes were inside and the crashing sounds was horrible. Smart girl ducked forward and saved her own life. I remember running into the kitchen and seeing her standing among what was left of the china. I hugged her and cried - I was so grateful she was alive. It was a very heavy double cabinet that wasn’t even attached to a stud - we replaced them all soon after.
When she was 10 I took care of her Tamagotchi while she was in school so it wouldn’t die.
When she was 11 or 12, the hamster escaped and we heard it trying to come up the vent in our bedroom. My husband and I knelt on the floor in the wee hours of the morning, holding food over the opening and making hamster noises so we could rescue the little guy. Luckily, it worked.
When she decides to move out, my makeup won’t disappear anymore. (I sure hope not, as we have a 12 year old son!) Her stereo alarm clock won’t go off on Saturday mornings at 5:45, waking us all up. The towels will be in the closet, not crumpled up on her bedroom floor. No more laundry late at night. My husband won’t have to drive her to work anymore, and pick her up. Every light downstairs won’t be left on after she leaves for school. No more arguing over chores. Phone calls after 11. Less dirty dishes and loud music.
It will be so lonely without her.
Happy birthday sweetie!