My Dear Friend, CnoteChris!

I like CnoteChris. I find him to be engaging, provocative, and intellectually honest. That is to say, I find him to be refreshing.

Why thank you.

And, since I’m here, I’d like to say Hi to refusal simple 'cos I’ve never seen another Doper from Edinburgh before. So, umm, Hi, nice to know I’m not the only one.


Dig, Libertarian. But even if I hated CnoteChris, I’d still like him a damn sight better than a starter of categorically-dreadfully-pointless threads and egregious self-bumper. Yeah, Ilsa, I’m talking at you.

Computer nerd fight! :rolleyes:

This is even better than a Mac vs Windows one. Lighter on dull, technical inconsequentials but equally heated and pointless.

I’m actually finding it funny right now that Ilsa_Lund’s post count currently sits at 486.

There has to be tagline to this joke…

Well at least Ilsa got his/her/it’s pit thread.

Because we already decided that one, macs suck. We are now trying to figure out how to optimize our superior PCs.


hajarioWhy are you so sure that I was talking about you?

If you weren’t, I am both appreciative and apologetic.

Spacedog Yes, perfectly stated. What I was trying to say in my original posts.

Jeff B Sorry man!

Mr. BI’d still like him a damn sight better than a starter of categorically-dreadfully-pointless threads and egregious self-bumper. Yeah, Ilsa, I’m talking at you.

What the fuck are you talking about? I admit to being overzealous on bumping, but what categorically-dreadfully-pointless threads? Test Your Movie Knowledge? My Dear Friend Aldebaran? Fuck you and the horse you rode in on.

World Eater What’s that mean, bro?

Screwed up the coding, but you get the idea.

In my defense, I’ve worked in the computer retail industry. I’ve seen benchmark tests. Ilsa is correct in that more memory does improve performance. If one really wanted to increase speed, a faster CPU would be better but to say more memory never results in increased speed is completely wrong.

Thank you, Jeff Olsen. Cnote, let’s forget it man.

In case Chris still would like a cite:

As with most things, it’s a combination of factors all depending on circumstances. There are even certain theoretical (and practical) circumstances under which more RAM can degrade performance. (Consider, for example, the paging algorithms necessary to address memory beyond the unit’s integer size.) Also, the same combination of things that might increase performance for one application might degrade performance for another application. The whole thing is just a lot of trial-and-error tweaking guided by reasonable principles.

Asshole, jerknoodle, cocknocker… I expected it all.

But nerd?

Now that hurts ::sniff::

Listen. The only reason I posted in the first place, in the bash Handy thread, was because Ilsa stormed into not only that thread, but also the thread in general questions were Handy said… Screw it. I’ll do a little cut and paste here.

Not a post I’d frame on the wall or anything, but not anything horrid either.

Yet, immediately after that, Ilsa chimes in with …

Now come on. Someone’s just a tad bit overeager at the slinging the shit around in the pit routine. Someone, who if you ask me, is simply trying to show off to the crowd, as it were.

Woohoo! You get him Ilsa!! Go Go GO!

I mean, it’s bad enough there’s yet another thread where a group of posters huff and puff and talk about how bad Handy is, as if others around here don’t do the same thing, or worse, but you continually go after a guy that refuses to be addressed, or even visit, the pit.

How lame is that?

And to top it all off, the few, if any, examples of where Handy’s supposedly obnoxious, wrong, and purposely misleading post is this lame ass example from Ilsa… followed up with wrong information to boot!!

You’re damn straight I jumped on your shit. It was seriously deserved. (And just a tad bit funny, when you really look at it)

In my time here I admittedly deserved to be pitted a few times, for things that were truly deserved. This one just ain’t it, if you ask me.

Not to mention also that there is the matter of diminishing returns. Just saying “More memory = Faster, dude!” is a bit simplistic.

Putting slicks on a Yugo isn’t going to help your 1/4 mile time.

A much better answer is for Astroboy to indicate how his usage is particularly memory intensive, and less RAM memory causes his computer to go to the Virtual Memory Manager too often.

Fact is, he may already have more than enough memory, if his usage is light, I’d bet he could easily go with 256Mb without worrysome performance loss.

I was ready to drop it.
I was over the top. My info was NOT wrong, as has been clearly demonstrated.

But you were WAY over the top in the handy thread. Five people came in to call you on it, and all you did was insult and belittle them. Q.E.D is on the SDSAB. You are not. Q.E.D is not an ignorant buffoon. Nor am I. I don’t know about you.

Mr. B go to hell.

**Cheesesteak]/B], simplistic, yes, I admit. But not wrong.

Someone here has the wrong information and it certianly isn’t Ilsa.

And, just for the record, I bumped up the memory on my home computer, and got zero noticable performance gains. Maybe I got a couple percentage points, but it feels like I flushed my $50 down the crapper.

More does not always equal faster

Man, set phasers on “Dorkass”.