My Divacup came today! Tips, tricks, advice, opinions?

I’m so mad! I just returned mine, and I’m very envious of all you girls who have Diva-compatible bodies. I was really excited because I have an IUD, and you can’t use the other cups with one. But no matter how shallow the insertion, and no matter how much I squeezed to break the seal, I couldn’t get the darned thing out. Really TMI:
On both attempts, I had to finally lie on the bed with my knees up to my ears and essentially re-enact childbirth. For a while, I thought I was going to have to get my husband to pull while I pushed. Thus, I could not imagine using this, say, in a mall bathroom.

I guess the good news is, even after giving birth, I evidently still have a lot of muscle tone down there!

Just had mrAru go online and order me one…they sound great for me while I am at home, though I bleed like a stuck pig [I would JUST ONCE love to have a cycle where I didn’t bleed at least 8 OZ and I am more than a little worried about my divacup overflowething on me at some really inconvenient time :eek: ]

Essentially, I am tired of having to get supplies every month and figure that it will take me about 3 months to break even on the deal.

Will get to try it out when it comes for fit, but wont get to fully use it for another month, having jsut started tonight and it arriving in a week or two :frowning:

In response to this thread and other recommendations, I bought two Diva Cups (one each for me and my partner)–the larger size, as recommended, since we’re both over 30. Despite reading the directions carefully, neither of us can get it inserted right! That’s very frustrating, since I love the concept.

I took me a couple of tries to get it in the right place, but even when I did, it stayed folded up rather than opening, even if I tried to rotate it. Was I just clenching too much? Do I need a smaller size? Am I just absurdly narrow? (No lovers have ever suggested that.)

You gals who use it effortlessly, what’s your technique for getting the blasted thing to open up?

Not sure if I can help Owlett, I use the smaller size, but the thing has a mind of its own and pops open whether I want it to or not.

If you’re having difficulty, insert a finger between the side of the cup and the side walls of your vagina, and sort of work the finger around. Squeezing the base (not the stem) while you do that will help to break the seal. Hopefully if you try that, and then try rotating the cup it’ll open up for you.

Otherwise, maybe squeezing it together less tightly when inserting would do the trick.

Sorry I can’t be more help.

**Irishgirl’s ** recommendation of working a finger around is the one that I use – break the suction so that it’ll pop open on its own while inserted. And for the record, when I fold it up, it’s folded up as tightly as it’ll go (in half at an angle so that the halves of the rim aren’t parallel to each other).

I let mine pop open when it’s about halfway in. Then I insert it the rest of the way and give it a couple of rotations while squeezing the base in a couple of different places to make sure it’s open all the way. There’s definitely a learning curve involved - they’re way different from anything most women are used to using. But it’s worth the effort, IMHO. Besides, remember how awkward it was the first couple of times you tried to insert a tampon? (Or was that just me? Please someone say it wasn’t just me…)

I started using mine yesterday. I had problems also getting it to pop open. I had to grab and squeeze the base in several spots to pop it open. I think I’ll try the “let it pop open before it gets all the way in” approach, because my hoohah is starting to get sore…

a question: When you girls poop, does it come out a little bit that you have to push it back in after you’re done? Or is it just me?

For what it’s worth, it seems that even when the cup is fully “open”, there may be a bit of a dimple at the end - the part you can feel with your finger. At least, that’s all I can imagine. I, too, had problems getting it to fully open (I can FEEL a dimple) but it works just fine. No leakage, nothing. So maybe do the best you can and wear a pad for the first few days, and see if there’s just a small dimple that doesn’t cause any problems?

Yeah. I think it’s because of the “bearing down” with the pelvic muscles.

If I ever have trouble getting the cup out because it worked its way up a little too high I do the bearing down thing to move it down lower.