He’s really my mum’s dog, because I couldn’t take him with me to college and he’s lived with her ever since (more than 10 years). Still, he loves me and I love him. My mother is a wreck; I think he really helped her with empty nest syndrome when I moved out (my brother having left for university almost a decade earlier).
He either escaped from the car or was stolen from it at my parents’ business last week. My stepdad had gone inside to pick up a document, and when he came back out the dog was gone. None of the local shelters reported anything like him arriving.
He’s a miniature American Eskimo dog, nearly 16 in people years, arthritic and deaf as a stone. If he escaped, I’m really worried about him finding food and water; he’s never been outside off a leash. If he was taken, well, I don’t know what to think about that.
Rationally, I know he wouldn’t have lived much longer, although you’d never know if to look at him. He was in perfect health except for his joints and hearing. Somebody suggested he ran away so he could die away from the “pack”, but I doubt it.
A few weeks back someone let my dog out of my parents yard(I was visiting). Luckily he was found, a woman a couple blocks away picked him up. She walked him around on a leash, and probably heard me yelling his name. Within half an hour my Nathan was back, but during that time I was a mess.
Please keep us updated, I’d love for this to be a happy ending story, and will say a prayer that Alfie comes home.
My cat was missing a couple weekends ago. I feel you.
Some things that may help:
Besides your local craigslist, Some cities have a lost & found pet database online. Ohio (where I live) has a statewide one
Put up fliers ( this is what brought Leo home.)
Call the local vets offices near where he dissapeared
There are more tips here
I hope & your folks you are reunited with Alfie very very soon. HUGS
Oh no, that’s awful. Has someone gone around to the nearby businesses to ask if anyone might have seen anything?
I hope that he turns up. There are a lot of animal lovers out there, so there’s a chance that someone might have found him and taken care of him. I’d also definitely watch the Pets section on craigslist closely. If someone stole him, there’s a chance they will post him on craigslist’s pet section to try to make a quick buck on him.
If he was in the car and not extremely talented, I bet someone stole him thinking he had some value. Did you check CL for dogs to buy? If the potential thief simply fell in love at first sight, you can only hope Alfie is well cared for.
My dog runs off if there is a loud bang, and one time I lost her in a thunder storm far from home. She was gone for a week, I was an absolute wreck. I put up posters in the area, looked for her every day, shouted myself hoarse. I emailed everybody I knew, incl all customer services, businesses, everything. Then I got an email back from a guy I went to school with, he was a bit of a joker. He said: “I found your dog”, I got very angry, burst into tears actually, because I thought he was joking.
Only he really had found her. The people at the beach bar where he worked had found her and decided to keep her. To this day I cannot believe the cheek: they were going to keep MY dog! She’s perfectly trained, obviously well loved and she is chipped. And there were posters up all over the place, but these selfish dicks didn’t think they needed to take the dog they found in. They bought her a bowl, lead and bed and gave her a name. They fed her a diet of chips! Anyway, at least they kept her safe, I’m grateful for that.
Keep looking. Someone might just be keeping Alfie safe somewhere. I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you!! {{{Really and Alfie}}}
This is one of those posts that makes me clutch my own dogs to my bosom. I can deal with my animals’ eventual passage and even with having to euthanize them, but not knowing where they are is pure agony.
I hope Alfie is returned to you promptly. Look for a small dog or American Eskimo rescue group in your area and let them know he’s missing, too, in case someone turns him in there. My dogs will be aroo-ing for him.
Best wishes for a quick reunion with your Alfie. You didn’t mention it in the OP, but is he on any kind of medication? This would make it super-important to get him back asap.
I echo janis’ recommendations upthread, and bug the hell out of Animal Control. If they are like other shelters I’ve been acquainted with, they’re so short-staffed they won’t call you. Better yet, if it’s possible, go there.
It is such an awful feeling to have your dog go missing. I’ve been there and I hope you get your dog back soon.
I second the suggestion to stay in touch with your local animal shelter and if you can, to go there often. If they’re busy or crowded, they may not connect your missing Alfie with a dog that has been turned in to them.
I had not thought of that, but I’m trawling the classifieds for dogs for sale (rather than dogs found) as we speak. Thanks for all the well wishes and advice.
Quasi, he’s not medicated, other than worm/tick/flea stuff.
Balls. I found a very local for sale listing of a dog who looks like him from a distance. The ad says “re-homing fee”, which smells like a scam. They’re advertising the dog as 8 months old and UKC papered, so I e-mailed to ask for more pictures. If the dog still looks like him I’ll ask to meet.
Here’s something hopeful for you: If indeed he was dog-napped for re-sale, any self respecting “breed” dog person would not accept him because of his age and his arthritis.
Why? Because of his infirmity he may not be useful as a stud, therefore no puppies and what price is this person asking for Alfie? That’s going to make a difference to someone who knows dogs. They’ll be suspicious right off the bat.
Sorry! A lot of times I repeat what other people may have already told you, but if you have a picture, post it on FB. Does he have a collar? Does he get his vaccinations regularly? If so, there should be a little metal disk attached to his collar.
I know. A lot of “what ifs”, right?
Just don’t give up, okay? If he’s out there and alive, you WILL find him. I’m convinced of it.
There are pictures at the CL posting. In case anyone is wondering, I wasn’t going for a “white dog, white armchair, white wall” thing when I took the pictures; his favorite corner of the house just happens to be the one on the white carpet next to the white chair. Posting to Facebook isn’t going to help much because I live an hour and a half away, give or take.
I figured a breeder wouldn’t buy him. I’m worried that a non-breeder will, because he’s an adorable little so-and-so; if he ends up as some kid’s birthday present I’ll never find him.