My Heroic Actions Today

Went on an appointment in the boonies.

While driving I saw this old guy in a wheelchair watering his lawn with a hose.

Had my appointment and drove back.

The old guy in his wheelchair was still there, and it was like 2 1/2 hours later.

Something, call it destiny, prompted me to turn back. I pulled into his driveway, and asked “Is everything Ok?”

“I’m stuck.” He shouts back.

I walk over and see that the hose got tangle in the wheelchair, and it wouldn’t wheel anymore.

Being the heroic type that I am, and always willing to attempt the impossible, I reach down deep into my inner reserves of strength, and gently shake the hose loose of the wheel where it had gotten fouled.

“Thanks.” The old guy says. “I could have been stuck here all day.”

“Well at least you wouldn’t have died of thirst.”

“Eh?” He says. “I am thirsty.”

“You could’ve drank from the hose.”

“Oh yeah. I didn’t think of that.”

I’m a little concerned, because the guy is pretty elderly and seems a little addled.

“Are you here alone? Are you gonna be allright?”

“Oh sure! My wife’s inside.”

“Why didn’t you call for her?”

“Oh she’s watching her shows, or napping. Doesn’t hear so good.”


“What do I owe you?”

“Nothing. Don’t worry about it. My pleasure.”

“Well at least take these.” He takes out a little plastic vial. The kind medicine comes in. It’s filled with what looks like tiny Oreos.

“Ummm. What is it?”

“Seeds. You’ll like 'em. Plant them anywhere.”

“Oooookayyy. Are you sure your fine?”

“Oh sure. Have a nice day. Plant the seeds. You’ll like 'em.” He hits the joystick and wheels off towards the house.

I have the vial in front of me. The seeds are round disc shapes, about one centimeter in diameter. Kind of like a black clam. On one side they have a white line that goes around the seam of the clamshell shape halfway.

What are these things?

Wow. I have no idea what “seeds” Mr. Man gave you. But aren’t you a nice guy! Your kindness burnt off any bad karma you were dragging along, I’m sure.

I don’t know what the seeds are either. But if anyone should experience a real life Jack In The Beanstalk story, it’s you, Scylla. Just be sure that when you climb the beanstalk, you recount your tales of derring-do here.

Ain’t THAT the FRICKIN truth!!! LOL There will be SOME hilarious story out of this I am SURE!! :D:D

My guess is they will be groundhog eating plants…

In the trade, I believe we call those seeds, Lithium. :slight_smile:

I put my money on them being triffids.

It’s a long shot, but I’ve always wanted triffids around. Bonsai triffids, too, for us more urbanized folks to keep around the apartment.

Plant 'em, Scylla! And then come tell us what grew.

Hoo boy! That would be cool, definitely take care of those groundhogs!

Hey, plant them. WAAAAAAAY out back.

[sub]Are you sure they’re um, legal?[/sub]

Hmmm, guy gives you a bunch of seeds that look like tiny Oreo’s…

Sounds like it’s a Nabiscus plant to me. A strange hybrid of the hybiscus flower and the Nabisco Oreo!

Just be sure that you have some Round-up on hand if they start begging for human blood.

Hee! Know what happens when you plant Lithium, don’t you? You get Bipolaris Blossoms. (Well, I thought it was clever…)

Actually, that is a way cool story. Good for you for your kindness. That would make a terrific short story, if you like to write; and would work equally as slice-of-life or magic/sci-fi.

Just a thought. :slight_smile:

Awwwwwwwww, it’s bad enough to be hooked on something on TV, but to actually have to wait weeks for a seed to mature to know what it is… just too much.

I say it’s a catnip/cannabis hybrid, the kind that gets you AND your cat high :smiley:

— G. Raven