February 9, 2004, 1:32am
little known ones however are
CTRL + { (reduce font size)
CTRL + } (increase font size)
February 9, 2004, 1:59am
Select text and hit Ctrl-Shift-S to change the style
Put cursor in paragraph and hit Ctrl-Alt-1 to change style to Heading 1.
Same for Ctrl-Alt-2 and Ctrl-Alt-3
F7 to run Spelling Check
Put cursor in word and hit Shift-F7 for Thesaurus
Ctrl-B to Bold
Ctrl-I to Italicize
Ctrl-U to Underline
Ctrl-Shift-A to create a new appointment
Ctrl-Shift-C to create a new contact
Ctrl-Shift-K to create a new task
Ctrl-Shift-N to create a new note
Ctrl-N to create a new email
Alt-R to reply
Alt-L to reply to all
Alt-W to forward
Ctrl-Q to mark as read
Alt-E-N to mark as unread
Ctrl-Space to select a column
Shift-Space to select a row
Shift-Arrow to extend a selection in a direction
Shift-Ctrl-Home to select from here to A1
Shift-Ctrl-End to select from here to end (lowest rightmost entry)
Windows Explorer (looking at files & folders)
Alt-Enter to get to properties
Ctrl-Enter to open a folder as a new window
Shift-Enter to open a folder as a new window with tree on left
Walking a tree (in windows explorer tree, or registry or other)
Right to open a folder
Left to close a folder (if on an open folder) or move to the parent folder (if on other)
Windows general
Windows-D to show desktop (minimize all). Windows-D again to restore
Windows-F1 for Windows Help
Windows-Pause for System Properties
Windows to hit start button
Windows then C for control panel
Windows then R for Run
Windows then S for Search
Basics that everyone should know that are in many or most applications
Ctrl-O to Open
Ctrl-N to Create New Doc
Ctrl-S to Save
Alt-F A to Save As
Ctrl-P to Print
Ctrl-X to Cut
Ctrl-C to Copy
Ctrl-V to Paste
Ctrl-Z to Undo
Ctrl-A to Select All
Ctrl-F to Find (Except for Outlook fer chrissake, where it’s F4 - lunacy)
Ctrl-H to Find and Replace
Shift-Right to select a character to the right
Ctrl-Right to move one word to the right
Ctrl-Shift-Right to select a word to the right
Same with Shift-Left, Ctrl-Left, Ctrl-Shift-Left
I sent a draft of an article of a friend to look over and suggest changes. (Word-2000)
It comes back marked up in red, new text, marked text, etc. etc. like I had never seen beforee. Could NOT do anything in any way with the colored text.
Tried asking help questions with poor results. finally asked the right questions and it became clear that this was “edited text” and all that was necessary wast to right click and accept or reject revisions.
The answers are usually in the program or OS if you just look for them hard enough, unless you want the IT Dept. to spoon feed it to you.