My Jade Vine (Strongylodon macrobotrys) finally produced some flowers.
Wow! That’s one of the weirdest looking plants I’ve ever seen- I love it!
That’s gorgeous! Is Jade vine sorta like Hoya? Hoya flowers look like plastic. I’ve had three Hoyas and have never been able to get one to produce any blooms.
Mine bloomed last year, two trusses of flowers. They really do look artificial!
Wow! That’s an amazing plant. How long have you had it?
jayjay, how did it happen? Mine sits in a south window and gets regular food and water.
Mangosteen, yeah, how long have you had it? I’d love to try one but I’m old. It’s risky buying bananas at my age, let alone a plant that blooms every decade.
I’ve had the plant growing in my greenhouse about 3 years. This is the first time it has produced flowers. I keep the greenhouse at a minimum of 60 degrees (about 15 C.), so its not a plant that can be grown outside except in tropical areas. Like all vines, it has to grow up something like a trellis, but it is not a demanding plant
There are also red, purple and yellow varieties.
Whoa! That’s the funkiest plant I seen in quite a while. I’d love to have have one but it probably wouldn’t do too well here.
Congratulations on the getting it to bloom!
I didn’t do anything special to it, really. It sat in a northeast-facing window at work for almost a year doing nothing. I’d water it about once a week or so. I noticed one day that it was developing buds on one of the spurs. It took about another month or so before they bloomed. They’re gorgeous and really do look like wax flowers.
Mangosteen, how big does it get? You said trellis, to me trellis means tall.
jayjay, well good – I’ll try to keep this one happy and maybe I’ll get a bloom someday. It’s not bad looking even without flowers. The leaves are a deep green and shiny, and the cats don’t chew it all up.
Would they live well in Colorado? It took my breath away when I clicked on the linky.So georgeous! I’d love to get one.
Mangosteen, how big does it get? You said trellis, to me trellis means tall.
Mine has climbed up a ten foot wooden pole to the rafters of my greenhouse. I really don’t know how big it is because the vine has grown into the leaves of a big Wax Jambu (Syzygium samarangense) tree that is growing next to it.