Of the most mundane points I could possibly raise, this one is cool.
Apparently, there’s still Anti-Communist laws on the books in the US Code. Why is my life now complete? Because I now have a legal justification to keep the good fight against the Soviets still going.
Child of the Cold War
Fighting commies is still acceptable, you say? Does wrestling count?
In that case, I call dibs on the girls of Uncle Joe’s Commie Strip (Warning: Link contains cheesecake. What’s worse, (Worse than those damn prefer-to-distribute-goods in a manner than us commies? Is that possible?) it is elf cheesecake.
When I registered to vote, I was seriously tempted to register as a communist. NOT because I am a communist-I’m not, but just to see if I’d have the government come knocking on my door.
Count me in. I can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, Communist subversion and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids.
Fluoridation is the most monstrously conceived and dangerous Communist plot we have ever had to face.
In my state, when getting a government job, you have to sign that you don’t belong to any of a small list of “subversive” groups. In addition to the Communist Party, it also includes the SLA. Obviously comparable threats!
In all seriousness, no. I do have a few issues of Rip-Off Press comix , and the Cutey Bunny issue (Army Surplus Komix
No.5 ) with the X-men parody vs. WWII-era Invaders parody, but it is too good to sell. It stared Chris Claremont as himself. However, the creator has put much of his new work on the internet, including monthly calendars, since about 1998. Best the Quagmire I ever saw! Oh, and it seems Sir 0tter has a few issues. At second thought, got any issues of Captain Jack ? I would be willing to trade you every issue of Captain Jack ever made, in exchange for my one issue of Army Surplus Komix
Holy Crap! It is a commie infiltrator! Someone get Chuck Norris! Silly rabbit, everyone know the true medium of wrestling is chocolate pudding.
:smack: That remark about selling my issue of Cutey Bunny in echange for every issue of “The Adventures of Captain Jack” was meant to have a after it. D’oh.
No, all correct-thinking folk know that chocolate pudding is only for eating. If you choose to lick it off your wrestling partner as part of the victory ritual, I promise not to tell anyone, though.