I just got an Email from my sister saying that my mom got her put on Lexapro, an antidepressant.
My sister’s 15. She does very well in school, has a lot of friends, is very chipper, and has not once mentioned feeling constantly depressed to me (Liz shares, oh, everything with me).
Sure, she has her mood swings like EVERY OTHER TEENAGER. Sometimes she’s really perky, sometimes she’s kind of down. That’s what you go through when you’re a teenager, right?
My mom recently went on Lexapro. Since then, she’s been reccomending that EVERYONE needs to be on it. I’m perfectly happy (MUCH happier than when I lived with her), and every time I see her, she tells me about the Wonders Of Lexapro.
Am I the only person who thinks that kids need to be allowed to experience their normal emotional swings, to learn what they are an how to control and deal with them?
WTF is up with the overmedication of people these days?
I was severely depressed in HS. Nasty bad. Nasty. (I went from straight A’s, doing well at work, having lots of friends to, eh, none of the above - nearly failed HS). Mom never put me on Meds, and I feel like I learned a lot from what I went through.