My Morning Ritual

aha has inspired me with his shower thread so much that I’ve decided to share with everyone what I do every morning from the time the alarm goes off until I go to work.

  1. Hit the snooze button on the alarm clock.
  2. Kick the dog off the bed.
  3. 9 minutes later, hit the snooze again, hoping I can catch that dream again; the one about me and Heather Graham where Nicole Kidman walks in wearing that leather outfit . . .
  4. Kick the dog off the bed.
  5. Finally turn alarm off and mentally prepare myself for actually getting out of bed.
  6. Kick the dog off the bed.
  7. Wonder why the hell the dog can’t learn to stay off my bed.
  8. Sit up, rub the crust out of my eyes.
  9. Mutter incoherently about that goddamn job and stupid son of a bitch at work and frickin traffic’s gonna suck . . .
  10. Go to the bathroom (Doing assorted things in there I’m sure no one wants to hear details about. I’m sure aha can supply that thread. Let’s just say I return from the bathroom clean, teeth brushed, hair combed, shaven, and the toilet has been flushed.)
  11. Go back to the bedroom to get dressed.
  12. Kick that damn dog off my fucking bed, you stupid mutt, why can’t you fucking learn!
  13. Waste 10 minutes looking for clean socks.
  14. Waste another 5 minutes looking for the other shoe.
  15. Dress myself, take dog out for morning walk.
  16. Stand outside like a moron holding a leash, pleading with the dog to take a dump for me so I can go to work. (Have you ever tried explaining to your boss that your late cuz the dog wouldn’t shit ?)
  17. Go inside, hunt for my wallet, keys, lighter, cigarette pack, and watch. All of these things are set on the coffee table in the living room when I first walk in the door in the afternoon, but by morning are well hidden throughout my home and never in the same place twice. I blame the dog, who is trying to get even with me for continually kicking her off the bed.
  18. Get in my car, drive 10 feet, realize I forgot something, double back.
  19. Get my security ID badge for work off my dresser.
  21. Close bedroom door so dog won’t get on the bed while I’m gone.
  22. Get in the car, go to work.
  1. Return home and kick the dog off the bed yet one more time.

Bratman, are you a woman? No? Then be honest. Women rub the crust out of their eyes. But that’s only because they don’t have balls to scratch in the morning :smiley:

Some things I do so naturally, I forget I do them.
Let me amend that:

  1. Sit up, scratch my balls for couple minutes, then rub the crust out of my eyes.

Maybe he’s wiping the crust off his balls??

I would be offended if that wasn’t so funny. (Although the mental image is pretty nasty)